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  • #BeyondTheScore: Q1 2022 review of the Pharma Twittersphere

#BeyondTheScore: Q1 2022 review of the Pharma Twittersphere


A quarterly meeting launched by Buzz E-health and LauMa Communication, #BeyondTheScore is the first barometer deciphering quantitatively and qualitatively the activity of the main pharmaceutical companies on Twitter. Discovery of the results of this 1st quarter of 2023.

An evolution of positions

Regarding the number of subscribers, a TOP 5 which changes for the first time since the implementation of #BeyondTheScore, AbbVie France rising to 3rd place on the podium.


In terms of activity, the average monthly volume of tweets & retweets is down compared to the previous quarter to reach the same level as in the 3rd quarter of 2023. With 0.85 tweets or retweets per account and per day on average during Q1 2022 and a median between 0.76 and 0.71 daily tweets or retweets, pharma remains inactive…Biogaran, Sanofi and Pfizer constitute the podium of the most active laboratories.

On the best tweets according to the interaction rate, the 1st quarter of 2023 is marked by the very good place of MSD France, which climbs to 3rd position on the podium despite the relatively large size of its account in terms of number of subscribers (6,436).

An average monthly interaction rate that rose sharply this quarter, 0.69% versus 0.16% in Q4 2021, with the arrival of @NovoNordsikFR. An effect similar to that experienced in Q1 2021 with the arrival of @GSK_FR.

Developments also at the level of the social score with a modified ranking compared to the last quarter:

As a reminder, the social score or engagement score is a score translating a composite score allowing a Twitter account to be compared to Twitter accounts of similar size and based on 4 criteria:

  • The RT average (40% of the grade)

  • Average Likes (30%)

  • The number of native tweets per week (20%)

  • The subscription/subscriber ratio (10%)

Marked trends during this quarter

Prevention and awareness around cancer was very present during this 1er quarter, particularly around World Cancer Day and Blue March, colorectal cancer awareness month. Several laboratories such as MSD, Amgen, Pierre Fabre, Pfizer or Sanofi have multiplied publications with comments from employees or the launch of dedicated campaigns such as #MonHistoireAvecLeCancer (MSD), #AVivreOuvert (Sanofi) or #Cestquoivotrestyle (Pierre Fabre).

The International Day of Rare Diseases was also an opportunity for several laboratories to communicate around these pathologies whose diagnostic wandering is very present.

To raise awareness among the general public and support patients in life with the disease, several laboratories regularly give voice to patients and carers to share their experiences and daily experiences.

The subject of diversity and gender equality remains very present in the editorial lines during this 1er quarter, marked in particular by Women in Science Day (February 11) and International Women’s Rights Day (March 8).

The digital transformation has begun within the laboratories with the deployment of open innovation projects or partnerships. Calls for projects, innovation programs or digital initiatives have fed the editorial lines.

#BeyondTheScore is a monthly barometer tracking 10 major indicators (plus their breakdown) and their average or quarterly scores. It also includes monitoring of the main hashtags used by pharmaceutical companies and an analysis of content trends.

Its summary is available free of charge on request. Specific presentations, with presentation of the full classification and exact position of each account, can be made on request.

See you in July 2022 for the results of the 2and quarter 2022!

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