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- Blue sky appear-Chinese wisdom and proverb
Blue sky appear-Chinese wisdom and proverb

Waiting the blue sky appear
Waiting and clouds dissipate and the blue sky appear
Theoriginal name was Liu Ji Liu buowen. He was born at the end of the Yuandynasty. At a young age, he handily passed the highest imperial examinationsand became an official in the royal court. Later, disillusioned by the tyrannyof the emperor he resigned his position. He returned health home and lived inseclusion in the remote mountainous regions of the present province of Zhejiang.He was an expert in military theory, politics, astronomy, geography andhistory, and was famous in his hometown. In addition, Liu was a literaryachievement. He wrote a book called Yu Lizi. The book contains many fablesseeming to be as fun stories. Yet they have a deep meaning. One of the storiesis titled “A villager how to craft umbrella” is what she says: Duringthe period of Warring States, in the state of Zheng, a man from the countrydecided to learn how to make clothes rain. He spent three years learning thecraft and after much effort eventually become an expert. Unfortunately a greatdrought came and rainwear were of no use. He decided to change and learn how tomake buckets of water and spent another three years to master the craft. Therewas a big flood and no one was more interested in buying seals. He once againchanged and began to rain gear. But soon, bandits and robbers appeared from alldirections. People put all military uniforms to protect themselves, andmilitary uniforms were waterproof, so more person asked his rain gear.Considering this new development, he thought it was probably better for him tolearn how to make weapons, but it was old and had no facility to do what hepleased. When Yu Lizi heard the story he said, “Humans do not control muchin their lives. In fact they are completely controlled by the gods. A techniquemay or may not have a value that is determined by the gods, but the right tochoose which technique should be taught in our hands. Therefore, the person ofthe state of Zheng in the history of experimental fate accomplish nothing. Hewas himself responsible for his own bankruptcy. Consider an example. A farmer Guangdong was gifted toplant rice. So he demanded a virgin land for planting rice. But there was aserious flood, and he reaped nothing for three years. Many friends tried topersuade him to simply drain the water and plant corn. But he was not convincedand persisted in planting rice without success. The following year saw yet geta great drought and even years. Its rice harvest loved and had a wonderfulharvest for three years dry weather. Evaluating crops of these three years, hediscovered that he had not only compensated for past losses, but there was asurplus. So build ships during drought and sewing cotton quilted jackets inwarm weather sense. “If we resist summer days, winter arrives. Lifecontinues to fluctuate. There are losses and gains. There is a saying,“Waiting clouds dissipate and the blue sky appear. “In fact, thevictory comes perseverance and persistence!
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