Bluetens smart health connected electrostimulation device

End of the games to try to win a Bluetens smart health connected electrostimulation device! For this first contest on the health home Automation Blog, quite a few of you participated on the blog and social networks. Congratulations to all !

Before giving you the name of the winner, I will give a final presentation of the smart health connected electrostimulation device from Bluetens.

This electrostimulation device is intended for health professionals such as your physiotherapist as well as for people who practice sport but also those who do not! I have been lucky enough to be able to Review it for a few weeks and I must admit, I now find it difficult to do without it! Besides, you can discover my bluetens Review on the Blog des Tendances.

By the way, speaking of the Trends Blog, starting today and for a month, you can try to win a computer the size of a USB key: the Intel Compute Stick ! Plugging into any screen, this next-generation computer features a quad-core Intel Atom processor!

Well, I think I made you languish long enough. I will reveal the name of the winner to you! The winner of the competition to win the Bluetens smart health connected electrostimulation device is: arsenal1981!