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Bok choy recipes — Chinese food healthy nutritious recipes

Bok choy recipes 

Bok choy recipes 

Bokchoy also known as pak choi has rods which are sometimes short, sometimes long.Its stems have a sweet flavor and a juicy and crispy texture. It is found inthree different formats namely: mini baby bok choy, mini bok choy bok-choy and“regular” .Bok choy

Howto choose?

Bokchoy favor which have no floral stalk, stem, which normally carries the flowersof a plant, or have a green flower stalk. Avoid flower stalks are yellow. Italso favors a tight bok choy leaves.

Howto store it?

Fromfragile nature, bok choy will only keep a few days in the refrigerator. Tooptimize its preservation, wash it only when using it!

Howto prepare bok choy recipes in the kitchen?

Itcan be eaten raw, cooked or pickled. This is an excellent vegetable to prepareChinese. The stalks should be cooked first and leaves added to the very end.The stems can replace celery in a preparation and the leaves are easilysubstituted for spinach. You miss inspiration? Try it in a soup of vegetablesau gratin!

Toblanch, immersed in salt water and there are about 1min for mini baby bok choyand 3 minutes for mini bok choy. Then plunged into ice water to stop thecooking and fix the color.Il is suggested prior to cooking cut bok choy footsince it is a bit tough.

Benefitsand benefits of consuming the food

Richin vitamins A and C, bok choy is also recognized for its anticancer properties.It is also an excellent source of potassium and contains iron as his cousinspinach.

Origin,provenance and history

Bokchoy is the one of the 33 varieties of cabbage from China. This vegetable does not growonly in Chinese soil, it is also found in Quebec,notably on the island of Orleans. It iscultivated for over 6,000 years! Chinese culture attaches great importance tobok choy, this vegetable is indeed repeatedly mentioned in poems and texts. Asia also is credited with many medicinal benefits:Combat fever, cures sore throat, inflammation, etc.

Click here to read more Chinese food healthy nutritious recipes

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