Bump, your smart health connected health book!


With the evolution of health practices, we are rare to keep the same general practitioner throughout our lives. The health book then becomes the only object allowing a correct follow-up from one doctor to another.

In this context, ECE students developed Bump, a smart health smart health connected object to replace this good old health book. It takes the form ofa badge, very easy to keep on oneself. The latter is smart health connected to a database that list all your medical records, allergies to family history.

The main obstacle to the development of these technologies is data protection. At a time when more and more companies are using our personal information for commercial purposes (and these are not the examples that are missing), health information could be a real gold mine for private companies that harvest. Insurance companies are an example of the many private actors who might be interested in purchasing this data.

Anyway, Bump is still a student project, but has already won two successive awards. The future will tell us which privacy policy will be adopted, this remains despite everything one of those innovations that accompany changes in our lifestyles And this is a good thing.

In the same category, discover DermalAbyss, the smart health connected tattoo that wants you well!
