can we trust applications to lose weight?


smart health connected health and diet

It is important to underline an essential point: there is no miracle diet that allows you to have the silhouette of your dreams in a few days, whether or not you get help with applications to lose weight. An effective regime is long term. And the use of applications for weight loss is to be considered as a complementary aid and not as a substitute for the efforts you will have to provide, both in terms of food and physical activities. In a certain way, the applications make it possible to better follow the evolution of your weight, to indicate to you the points to be improved, to congratulate you in case of good results, to propose you balanced menus or programs of ‘sports training.

smart health connected watch and diet

Among the smart health connected objects on the market, the smart health connected watch is a good slimming coach. It tells you the distances traveled in the day, the number of calories burned. Depending on the watch model, it even allows you to enter what you have consumed during meals, in order to put the caloric intake in balance with the caloric amount spent. Depending on the applications for weight loss, you will receive congratulations and encouragement in case of good results and reminders to order in case of insufficient activity. The effectiveness of applications for weight loss will therefore essentially depend on your motivation to follow the proposed slimming program .
