Can you get coronavirus during sex?

In the Coronavirus era, barrier gestures must be respected: do not shake hands, do not kiss … measures that are difficult to respect during sexual intercourse. In this period of confinement, should we avoid cuddling?

Are there any risks of being infected with coronavirus during sex? The answer is yes and no. The coronavirus is not transmitted sexually, that is, by exchanging sexual fluids (sperm, liquid vaginal or seminal …), although precise studies are lacking on the subject …

However, the virus is present in secretions respiratory like saliva, especially. Sexual intercourse implies a certain closeness (even a certain closeness!) And generally an exchange of saliva and even microscopic respiratory projections via the kissing or breath.

Should we restrict sex?

It seems difficult to make love with a mask! One of the first American patients diagnosed with coronavirus had a digestive form with loose stools for two days. The virus was then detected in his stool. Other cases in China have been documented in the review The Lancet, but remain infrequent.

As for the SARS, which was also found in the urine, faecal transmission, or even through other fluids, seems possible. Common sense therefore requires staying clean if one of the partners is sick or has signs such as cold, the fever or cough. The very act of kissing is a route for the virus to enter the body. So be patient!

This content is an extract from the book "Coronavirus – How to protect yourself?" from Dr. Gérald Kierzek.

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