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  • Carine Wolf-Thal (Cnop) wants to make the pharmaceutical file accessible to patients

Carine Wolf-Thal (Cnop) wants to make the pharmaceutical file accessible to patients


This project is part of the mobilization of the order "so that the DP fully finds its place in the personal digital space of health" (ENS) provided by the law My health 2022, in addition to the creation of the Health Data Hub .

The DP, which now hosts 38 million files, will propose "new features" soon, recalled Carine Wolf-Thal. "Following the adoption of the health law, implantable medical devices will be registered by the health professionals concerned, medical biologists will have access to them … the withdrawal / recall function is also developing with the blocking of the dispensation" , she listed.

"A next desirable development is to make DP mandatory in health facilities," said the leader.

Carine Wolf-Thal also expressed her "expectation" to see the published Health Data Hub application texts. "We look forward to a rapid implementation of e-prescribing," she said.

In her speech, the president of the order also called her colleagues to "take the turn of the cross-industry", including participating in territorial professional communities health (CPTS).

"These new missions can only be deployed in the context of a coordinated exercise," she said, citing among these missions "structural developments" such as the renewal of chronic treatments, dispensing under protocol, therapeutic substitution in case of supply disruption of some drugs and, globally, the "growing role of primary care health professional".

"I will be careful that all pharmacists can be involved in this change," she said.

Carine Wolf-Thal also described as "necessary" the "city-hospital rapprochement" in the context of "increased recourse to the outpatient". "The cooperation between health facilities is developing, it is a good thing but it should not that this mutualization is done at the expense of the proximity of the pharmacist," she warned.

The president of the order also supported "certain professions not sufficiently recognized" according to her, such as wholesaler distributors, a "crucial intermediate link" on which the order prepares "actions of communication and communication". information to explain diversity and interest "to" secure the drug chain ".

A consultation on the medical biology in progress

"Medical biology also suffers from a lack of visibility and recognition," said Carine Wolf-Thal. "If we share the desire to improve the flow of patients, let us first support the 4,700 medical biology laboratories by relocating emergency biology in the sites."

Relocated biology, that is to say the realization of pre-analytical and analytical phases outside a laboratory of medical biology (LABM), is "riskier and less efficient" according to her.

On this subject, the leader said that the order is eager to contribute to the consultation that will be organized on medical biology.

Interviewed by APMnews (site of the APM International group of which TICsanté is a member), she said that it is for the moment "informal discussions" between the Ministry of Solidarity and Health and the actors of the medical biology, of which order. The topics covered go "beyond the remuneration" and relate globally "on the place of the biologist in the health system and the course of health".

Carine Wolf-Thal reiterated her appeal to the Ministry of Solidarity and Health for the update of the code of ethics of pharmacists. A proposal was published by the order and sent to the Ministry of Solidarity and Health in November 2018, unanswered for the moment.

"A judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) is expected but I do not hide my impatience for a return of the Ministry," she repeated.

Finally, the manager announced a new step in the accompaniment of the quality approach at the pharmacy, about which she had positioned herself for the commitment of pharmacists in a certification process. "A quality reference will be made available to pharmacists in the first half of 2020," she said, calling on "all colleagues to embark on this process".
