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  • Cataract pills(Ming Mu Di Huang Wan) and natural health

Cataract pills(Ming Mu Di Huang Wan) and natural health

Chinese natural medicine-Cataract pills 

Cataract pills to clarify the view

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications : chronic eye problems ,conjunctivitis , cataract, photophobia.

Chinese health philosophy:this preparationis used to improve eyesight by nourishing Yin and Blood Liver and Kidney.

Associated symptoms: decreased visual acuityespecially at night , dry and painful , watery eyes caused by wind or aircurrents , agitation, insomnia, irritability, red tongue , pulse end .


As this formula is in different forms and atvarious concentrations , it is important to follow the manufacturer’srecommendations. It can be used long term . It is traditionally recommended torefrain from eating turnips during treatment.


With aging , weakening of Yin Liver andKidney is associated with a deficiency of Blood. This causes malnutrition eyesdry and sore eyes , decreased night vision , tearing and development ofcataracts . This preparation may reverse cataracts if taken in the early stagesof the disease.


This preparation is cited in Shen Shi YaoHan volume “Analysis of the case of Princess Jade ” written by Fu –Ren Yu in 1644.


In case of items Spleen and Stomach : lossof appetite , loose stools, bloating , thick coating on the tongue .


Keep out of reach of children.

You can click here to see some cataract pills productsexample


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