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Cauliflower Chinese recipe— Chinese food nutritious recipe

Cauliflower Chinese recipe

Discover these cauliflower Chinese recipe.

Nutritional value of cauliflower Chinese recipe

1. The moisture content of cauliflower reaches 90%, and instead cauliflower is low in calories: a cup of cauliflower juice 240ml contains only 23-32 kcal calorie.

2. The white cauliflower contains some vitamin A with respect to most other cauliflower of the same variety.

3. Each cup of cooked cauliflower juice provides the same amount of vitamin C with orange. The raw cauliflower can provide 20% of vitamin C compared to cooked.

4. Cauliflower is a food that contains more flavonoid.

5. Cauliflower is rich in vitamin K.

Cauliflower Chinese recipe for your natural health and cures:

1. Prevent and resist cancer: long-term consumption of cauliflower can reduce breast cancer morbidity rate, rectal cancer, gastric cancer and other cancers. According to a report from the American Cancer Society, cauliflower and cabbage have better anti-cancer effects from many fruits and vegetables.

2. Clean up the blood vessels: the flavonoid in cauliflower can prevent infection, and moreover, it is the best sanitation officer of blood vessels, which prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, prevents platelet clot, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3. Complete vitamin K Body: The skin of some people become black and blue after collision and minor injury is due to lack of vitamin K in their bodies. The best supplement of Vitamin K is to eat cauliflower.

4. Detoxify the liver: the consumption of cauliflower can strengthen the vessel wall so that it is not easy to break. The large amount of vitamin C in cauliflower allows it to strengthen the capacity of the liver detoxification, thus improving the body’s immune system to prevent the occurrence of colds and scurvy.

5. Improve human immunity: the vitamin C content of cauliflower is very high, which not only promotes growth and development of people, and can also improve the body’s immune function, promote liver detoxification, improving fitness, increase resistance to disease and improve human immune function. The consumption of cauliflower has special effects for the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer and breast cancer. Studies have shown that the serum level obviously decreases upon reaching of gastric cancer, and that the concentration of vitamin C in gastric écalement is much lower than the normal human. And cauliflower can not only give people a certain amount of selenium and vitamin C, but also provide abundant carotene, which plays a role in preventing cell formation to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors.

Not recommended for: Patients with the calculation of the urinary tract are forbidden to eat cauliflower.

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