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Celery ham salad-Chinese healthy food and nutrition for February 15

Celery ham salad

Ingredients celery ham salad

200g celery

100g of ham

3pieces of spicy tofu


1tbsp light soy sauce

1 tbsp sugar 

1 tbsp oyster sauce

1tbsp white vinegar

1tbsp sesame oil

1pinch of salt

1pinch of glutamate

4 cloves garlic 5 minutes

5 minutes

Steps celery ham salad:

1.Prepare all ingredients.

2.Cut the celery and cut into slices. Cut the ham and spicy tofu sonrespectively. Chop the garlic.

3.Bring water to a boil in a pan, then add the spicy tofu. Blanch for 1 minute.Tap Out.

4.Put the celery and then blanch for 10 seconds. Tap Out.

5.Put the spicy tofu and celery in cold water. Soak for 5 minutes. Remove anddrain.

6.Put the ham, celery, spicy tofu and garlic on a plate. Then add the rest of theseasonings. Mix well and marinate for some minutes. Pour It Up.


1.oil can be added chili to taste.

2.Celery is easy to cook, 10 seconds, that’s enough.

3.We need well-drained spicy tofu and celery.

celery ham salad

More Chinese recipe to get nutrition for February 15

Ingredientsfor Chinese Eggs Recipe

6Hard-boiled eggs — shelled

2tb Butter

3tb Soy sauce

2ts Green onions — chopped

1ts Sesame oil

ChineseEggs Preparation

Meltbutter with soy sauce in a skillet. Add eggs and cook gently for 5 minutes,basting and turning all the time until the eggs become dark brown. Slice eggson serving plate. Drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with chopped greenonion.

Ingredientsfor Chinese Fortune Cookies Recipe


1/3c Sugar

2tb Corn oil

2tb Water

1/4c Cornstarch

ChineseFortune Cookies Preparation

Havefortunes prepared in advance. Beat egg on low speed until frothy. Beat insugar, a little at a time, & continue beating until mixture is a very lightyellow and thick. Fold in corn oil. Blend water and a little of the egg mixtureinto cornstarch, then stir into the remaining egg mix.Heat heavy, well seasonedgriddle to 350 deg, or until drops of water bounce when dropped on the griddle.(For griddles without temperature control, keep heat between low and medium). Dropheaping T of batter on the griddle and spread with the back of a spoon to about4 in. wide and 1/8 in. thick. Cook until edges are slightly brown & cookiescan be easily lifted from griddle with a spatula, 5 – 8 min. (If cookies stick,bottoms need to be cooked a little longer). Turn cookies carefully & cookother side until light brown. Be careful to keep temperature even. Placefortune paper on cookie as soon as it is removed from the griddle. Folding iseasier to do than to describe, but the end result is shaped like a horseshoe.Fold opposite edges together, forming a semicircle. Crease crosswise at thecenter of the straight edge to form a flattened side, then bend the opposingcorners together for the traditional shape. Set in a small glass or muffin tinuntil cookie cools and holds its shape.Wipe griddle & stir batter. Repeat.

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