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  • Chemical peeling – anti-aging the anti-aging guide anti-wrinkles anti-aging aesthetic medicine

Chemical peeling – anti-aging the anti-aging guide anti-wrinkles anti-aging aesthetic medicine


The chemical peel: Chemical peels are surface treatments. This involves applying an acid in the form of a liquid or a paste, in order to eliminate the superficial layer of the skin. We obtain a new epidermis, clearer, smoother and more toned.

The medium peel : The average peel does not require hospitalization but may require a few days off work. The skin is burned in the second degree and therefore it takes five to seven days for it to heal. The face sometimes swells, especially if the skin near the eye area has been treated. The skin turns red then brown in the following two or three days, scabs appear which then fall off and the skin peels. To obtain good results, a second intervention can be recommended within three to six months.

The deep peel : The deep peeling gives the best results but with increased risks, stronger pain and longer healing time. It is only practiced on the face in order to treat deep wrinkles, very pronounced pigment spots, sun spots as well as lesions and roughness of the skin. The deep peeling penetrates several layers of the epidermis thanks to the product used, phenol. The procedure is more complicated than for the other two forms of peeling. An oral sedative and painkiller are often given. In addition, as phenol is a toxic product if it is absorbed in large quantities by the body, the intervention can be done with a heart monitor and an intravenous. However, this is not necessary when the peeling concerns only part of the face.

Deep peeling can lead to serious complications – cardiac arrest, kidney failure, acute liver failure – but these are extremely rare. After a good cleansing of the skin, the product is applied to part of the face. After a break of fifteen minutes, another area is treated. This interruption prevents the body from absorbing too much phenol.

Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the complete procedure takes sixty to ninety minutes. As in the case of the medium peel, the skin is burned in the second degree and can swell around the eye area. The skin remains red and sensitive for almost three weeks, because the production of new skin does not begin until ten to fourteen days after the peel. Complete healing can take several months. Oral painkillers can be given after the peel, as well as antibiotics, for a short time, to prevent any risk of infection.

To avoid the formation of scabs, the doctor recommends regularly dispensing water on the face. A few visits may be necessary to clean and inspect the wounds. In most cases, a deep peel can only be performed once. The new skin will be more sensitive to the sun and discoloration. This is why during the healing period it is recommended not to expose yourself to the sun. When the skin has finished peeling and the first phase of healing has passed, avoid exposure as much as possible and wear sunscreen every day. Before making your decision, talk to your doctor to discuss with him the result that you can reasonably expect from a chemical peel.

He can help you choose the type of peel and the chemical product that is best suited to your skin type given your expectations. A test on a small area of ​​skin gives a better idea of ​​the result, especially on the darkest skin.

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