Chicken lemon noodles -Chinese healthy recipes for July 11

Chicken lemon noodles

Ingredients for chicken lemon noodles / 4 people

4chicken breasts

1red pepper


2cloves of garlic

1teaspoon of ginger


200grams of noodles

3tablespoons honey

1teaspoon caster sugar

2tablespoons oil soup

1teaspoon chili powder



difficulty easy

preparation 15 mn

baking 20 minutes

rest 2 h

Totaltime 2 h 35 min

PREPARATION chicken lemon noodles

1Cut the chicken breasts into strips. Peel the garlic cloves and chop. Squeezethe lemon and pour the juice into a bowl and add the garlic, sugar, ginger and1 tablespoon oil. Mix and pour over chicken breasts. Cover with plastic wrapand refrigerate for 2 hours.

2Heat the remaining oil in a wok and enter the chicken for 4 minutes. The meatshould be browned. Remove the fillets from the wok and set aside.

3Peel the onions, slice them. Peel the peppers, remove seeds and cut into cubes.Pour into the wok and cook for 5 minutes over high heat. Do not forget to stir.

4Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and let it cook noodles for 5 minutes.Drain them.

Finally chicken lemon noodles

Takethe zest of the second lemon and chop. Squeeze the lemon and add the chilli,honey and zest juice. Pour into the wok and add the chicken and noodles. Stirand let simmer for 5 minutes.

More smart health recipe for July 11 (Not Chineserecipe)

Festive Cocktail Bake Recipe


2 tb Oil1 md Onion — Chopped2 Tomatoes — peeled andChopped1 cn Chopped Chilies Or Jalepenos4 Ox.1 pk Froz Chopped Spinach –Thawed/squeezed dry2 c Monterey Jack Cheese –About 8 oz., grated1 c Sour Cream2 cn Sliced Black Olives –Drained1 tb Red Wine Vinegar1 tb Garlic Powder — scant8 oz Cream Cheese — slicedintosm PcsTortilla Chips

FestiveCocktail Bake Preparation

Heat oil inmedium skillet. Add onion and saute until softened. Add chopped tomatoes andchilies and cook for two minutes. Transfer onion mixture to large bowl and addspinach. Mix well. Stir in remaining ingredients except for tortilla chips andmix well. Season with salt and pepper. Spoon into pam-sprayed shallow bakingdish. (can be refridgerated for up to 2 days at this point.