Chinese acupuncture

A single branch in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese acupuncture, or Zhenjiu in Chinese, is one of the most effective methods to cure diseases. Zhen means inserting needles into acupuncture points throughout the body to treat pain which the patient suffers. Jiu means moxa that uses heat produced by burning directly or indirectly wormwood, a Chinese herb which energizes the acupuncture points during treatment. Integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture theory was born as a result of the accumulation of experiences of men to fight against nature and diseases and has become increasingly mature gradually as the practice developed.

Acupuncture has therefore never been discovered by one person at a defined time. Already in the Stone Age, the men who had pain in the hands had realized that their suffering was mitigated when stones accidentally supported the painful parts. Therefore, the stones were deliberately cut to a point to massage parts of the body in order to cure disease but also to maintain good health by balancing the flow of blood and vital energy. During the Iron Age, the stones have been replaced by metal needles, contributing to the general advancement of acupuncture. We now uses needles in gold, silver or copper or manufactured in non-oxidized metals.

Moxa was in the use of fire by humans. Women who cooked discovered that their pain disappeared when the embers were falling on the body parts involved. The man thus began burning mugwort to get rid of his pain. Stimulate the painful part by heat and use it for herbs maintains healthy.

How can Chinese acupuncture cure diseases?

According to traditional Chinese philosophy, every object in the universe is the result of a balance and an opposition between yin and yang. The disease therefore results from an imbalance between the two parties. By inserting fine needles into the channels of energy, an acupuncturist can stimulate the painful parts of the body to restore the natural balance.

According to scientists, the insertion of acupuncture needles can excite the brain produce endorphins releasing suffering. Acupuncture not only encourages people’s ability to fight against their own diseases, but also affects the nervous system, adjusts the blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, perspiration and numerous other physiological reactions.

Thus, Chinese acupuncture at ear level is a therapy used to help drug addicts to detoxify. After treatment, most patients feel relaxed, sees their appetite and increase their transit to improve.


The jingluo (meridian or vessels of the body) is another classical theory. The Chinese use the term to describe jingluo ducts, channels and meridians. According acupuncture, there are invisible channels through which vital energy circulates throughout the body. The acupuncture points are places where the life energy is closest to the body surface. The jingluo are invisible channels, but when a person gets sick, they become more flexible and tubers appear. The color, temperature and appearance of the skin of the diseased parts will differ from those of a healthy person. By observing and touching the visible parts, doctors can find the inferences and treat disease. To restore the balance in the human body, the acupuncturist stimulates the acupuncture points which promotes balance. So if people have stagnant vital energy, the practitioner will use specific points to stimulate.

If the vital energy is too cold, it will choose the points that will heat it. If it is too low, it will strengthen and that is caught, he will unlock. Therefore, acupuncture can effectively rebalance the energy, restore health and prevent the development of diseases.

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Chinese acupuncture Applications:

1. Treat zusanli 15 to 30 minutes, once a day, is good for maintaining good health and promote longevity. Zusanli is an acupuncture point on the leg, three inches (1 inch = 0.033 m) below the knee and a finger width of the edge of the tibia, outer side.

2. To treat fevers, poke shixuanxue, an acupuncture point on the fingertips to 0.1 inch of the nail.

3. To treat headaches, tooth or neck: yuanxue sting on 0.5 to 1.0 inch deep. It is also possible to apply the moxa. However, pregnant women are not entitled to treatment with acupuncture. Yuanxue is an acupuncture point on the back of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones in the middle of the outer part of the second metacarpal bone. All applications can be performed by licensed physicians. Practicing self is highly canceled.

Acupuncturists believe their patients receive vital energies through appropriate manipulations that produce pain, pinching, effects of heat or cold. The diagnoses are based on a general analysis of the disease and the patient’s condition, treatments vary according to age of the patient, the state of his health and sometimes even change with the seasons. Older children and should not be bitten deeply and selected acupuncture points should be less, while the young and relatively strong people can benefit from more intensive treatment. In spring and summer, patients should be pierced surface and doctors should reduce or stop the acupuncture applications.

The best treatment

What are the best treatment with Chinese acupuncture diseases? According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture is effective for 43 diseases, commes headaches (including migraines and neurological headache), dizziness, neck pain, shoulder, pelvis and legs. It also treats arthritis, sciatica, facial paralysis, nerve trifacial pain, stroke and internal diseases such as acute and chronic gastritis, diarrhea or certain gynecological diseases.

Chinese acupuncture is proven to be an effective painkiller. 50-70% of patients who received acupuncture treatment saw their health improve in short or long terms. However, some Western physicists believe that acupuncture is a kind of placebo, for 30 to 35% of all patients imagine their pain eased thanks to placebo, despite their current treatment.

In recent years, China has hosted numerous exchange programs Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) with developed countries, providing an opportunity for doctors around the world to study and spread the culture and science of TCM.

Since 1997,Chinese acupuncture treatments have proven effective at a symposium held by the National American Health Institute. Except for the case of the above diseases, acupuncture is also a great help in giving up smoking and alcohol. The ear acupuncture treatment is widely used when radioactive treatment must be strictly avoided.

Other use

Acupuncture is also used to alleviate suffering and cure paralysis following a stroke. For many diseases, treatment with acupuncture provides more satisfactory results than other treatments. It does however not suitable for all patients. Those who suffer from clotting dysfunction, severe heart disease, mental problems, diabetes can not claim such treatment. Acupuncture generally produces a small pain that most people can endure. Others will do due to psychological or mental stress factors.

Acupuncture is popular in China and other Asian countries like Japan and Korea, for thousands of years. With the development of society in recent years, acupuncture has been accepted as an effective treatment more and more patients and practitioners worldwide. In 1971, during the visit of US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger preceding that of President Nixon in China, a journalist by the name of James Reston was operated on for appendicitis. The latter saw with surprise that his pain could be alleviated with acupuncture. After returning to the US, Reston told his Chinese medical experience. His article was published in the New York Times and acupuncture more widely introduced in the USA.

Acupuncture applications:

1. To cure insomnia, prick acupuncture points Sishencong, Shenmen and Sanyinjiao once a day for 20 to 30 minutes. Treatment is most effective if applied in the afternoon. Sishencong is a term that includes four acupuncture points of the head. They are located one inch to the right, left, in front and behind the middle of the head. Shenmen is an acupuncture point on the wrist. Sanyinjiao is an acupuncture point on the foot three inches above the tip of the inside ankle bone next to the inner edge of the tibia.

2. To quit smoking, and prick Baihui Shenmen once or twice a day and leave the needles about 30 minutes. Baihui is an acupuncture point on the center line of the head, to 5 inches below the hairline, approximately in the middle of the line connecting the apex to both atria. Shenmen is a point on the wrist.

Applications can only be performed by doctors. Self-practice is absolutely not recommended.