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Chinese bupleurum pills for your natural health and natural health benefits

Chinese natural medicine-bupleurum pills

Chinesesmall bupleurum pills

Other names: XiaoChai Hu Tang Wan , Xiao Chai Hu Tang, bupleurum pills

Traditionaltherapeutic uses

Main indications :infectious disease behind , which the body is unable to fight , flu,bronchitis, pneumonia, malaria , hepatitis, mumps.

Chinese healthphilosophythis preparation is used when the infectionis housed in the energy layer Shao Yang . Microbes trying to develop , withoutsuccess , while the energy of the body tries to expel , without having force.

Associated symptoms :alternating fever and chills , dry throat, bitter taste in the mouth ,dizziness, irritability , chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite ,white coating on the tongue .


As this formula is indifferent forms and at various dosages , it is important to follow themanufacturer’s recommendations. This product should be taken over a shortperiod : one month for example. It is often used in combination with otherdrugs or herbs .


The preparation isvery effective against respiratory infections that are slow to heal. Normally,taking this product is sufficient to recover health. Otherwise, consult atherapist in traditional Chinese medicine and a doctor. All infections must betackled quickly.


This formula ismentioned thirty times in the Shan Han Lun, written at the time of the Han (206BC to 220 AD ) by the famous doctor Zhang Zhong Jing . This ancient bookfocuses on the treatment of infectious diseases caused by cold.


Japanese researchersare very interested in this form of traditional Chinese medicine that is calledShosaiko -to Japan.They concentrate their studies on the study of mechanisms by which thepreparation came to significantly boost the immune system .

We sought tounderstand the pharmacodynamics of Shosaiko -to in studies on animals infectedwith that infectious agents , including Pseudomonas and Listeria aeruginosamonocytogenes. Some researchers have even proposed the idea that thepreparation could be useful to patients with chronic hepatitis virus .

The results of allthese studies clearly show that Shosaiko -to causes the accumulation ofleukocytes in the body and stimulates the phagocytic activity in treatedanimals . It was also shown that the preparation could induce the production ofmucous immunoglobulin IgA in animals treated. Other studies have shown that theanimals treated with the preparation had a blood serum having an increasedcontent of interferon and other factors and antiviral antitumor .


This formula isagainst -indicated in cases of excess Yang upwards of Liver Fire manifested bybleeding gums, headaches , hypertension , vomiting blood and dizziness.

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