Chinese diet Yin Yang

Chinese diet Yin Yang balance

Chinese diet Yin Yang

Initiallythere is the Tao, the Chinese philosophy that can be translated as “TheWay”. This philosophy is derived the symbol of Yin and Yang that we allknow. Beyond the zen symbol, it is a principle of the interdependent balance wehave to do. Always Yin to Yang and vice versa

TheTao and Chinese diet Yin Yang balance

Basically,Yin represents what has substance, matter. In his wallet you will also find thefollowing: water, darkness, cold, night, liabilities, inside, slow, right,dullness and down action.

Yangmeanwhile represents the function, energy (that will give meaning to thesubstance and life to matter). The terms associated with it will therefore be:fire, light, hot, day, active, outside, left … You have understood the trick.

TheTao and the principle of the YinYang

Yinand Yang how it works:

It’svery simple. Take a hot air balloon. The balloon itself is an inert thing,consists of a basket and a balloon … The balloon itself is Yin. However, thenecessary gas and the combustion process which follows to heat the air and makethe ball rise it is purely Yang. It is the energy it takes for the balloonassumes its function: transport people through the air. Everything is going tobe seen as it is rather or rather Yin Yang.

Yin Yang inactivities such as:

sleeping,reading, watching a movie, listening to music on her couch tranquillou willobviously Yin,

doingsports, cooking, picking up the kids at school will be Yang activities.

Whenall goes well, you’ll understand that a balance is created between the yin andyang … we could illustrate this: if, for example, you have a big week, youwork a lot, in addition to all other activities you could carry side (a sportfor example), Yang will clearly predominate … what happens usually on Fridaynights is that arises before a movie or a series or we will be directly bed fora long night Yin compensation.

Whenthis balance is mishandled or because the Yin takes ancestry or because on thecontrary it is the Yang predominates, it is usually at this point that it slipsand you end up sick (of timely way or no way). It is this balance that works ontraditional Chinese medicine. The goal here is to guarantee a sustainablebalance on the duration of life.

TheTao Jing: Our most valuable asset.

Jingis our box at the bank. One in which our DNA is stored, our family book, ourgenetic passport that, in my case, I have an imbalance in the eyes because I’mactually myopic and astigmatic, I have a tooth less than average, I measure1m77 and I’m the spitting image of my mom. Like any box at the bank and inparticular such as Paris Hilton, for example, there is your heritage, and youhave won (or lost) for your life.

Fromthis point of view, it can actually be born with a safe weighing several tonnesin shiny gold ingots … or not … And in the second case, either we play theeuromillion either one works and saves. In terms of health is the same. We areborn with all our strengths and weaknesses.

Jingso this is our most valuable asset, it is the energy source that decreases withtime (and hence the aging). In the concept of Chinese medicine, we must learnto conserve energy inborn (innate Jing) and grow the acquired Jing … As youcan imagine, the acquired Jing comes from the diet and what remains afterassimilation and use for normal vital functions of a human being.

Anotherimportant concept that you should definitely know is that Qi (pronounced“tschi”). It is found in particularly Qi Gong. The gym, which allowshealing the body and maintenance of the spirit, is particularly used inrehabilitation of people with undergoing open-heart surgery (coronary bypasssurgery, for example).

The importance of Qi

Qiis the vital energy. It animates the matter of our body and is therefore liableYang. In our Western terms, this would be the recommended daily intake ofnutrients, vitamins, trace elements, water … so that our body functioningproperly. Qi will notably allow to warm the body, protect it from externalaggressions (snow, sun, moisture …), it will allow a proper metabolism and isthe source of physical and physiological movements human body. In short,without Qi is an inert body you have to do …

Intraditional Chinese medicine, the decrease of Qi causes fatigue, nervousness,colds repeatedly … Sufficient Qi will be able to move freely throughout thebody. Where this is not the case (the yin yang to an imbalance for example) itusually causes pain … So this is our gps imbalances …

TraditionalChinese medicine: how it works

Wewill get there quickly to this story meridians … For the moment what to keepin mind is that traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese dietetics seek topromote an overall balance in the long term and will therefore treat all thesymptoms as an imbalance in your personal card. In other words, if we take thecomparison of the bank, your financial advisor will review your account andtell you for example that you are living above your means for the car orclothing sector. He will ask you therefore urged to make efforts in this regardso as not to bring down your entire financial balance ….

Chinese diet Yin Yang source: Chinese diet Yin Yang Chinese diet Yin Yang Chinese diet Yin Yang

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