Chinese flour natural health benefits and nutrition facts

Chinese flour

Nutrition facts of Chinese flour (per 100 grams)

Energy (kJ) 1448

Protein (g) 12.3

Fat (g) 1.1

Carbohydrates (g) 70.5

Nutritional value of Chinese flour

Theflour is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins,calcium, iron, phosphorus,potassium, magnesium and other minerals.It has health benefits of nourishingthe heart and kidney, spleen and thick intestine, quench the thirst.

Chinese flour for your natural health and cures:

1.The flour is rich in carbohydrates and protein. The overall content of 10% –13%, which is higher than that of rice. But wheat protein that the human bodyneeds is relatively low. So when we eat pasta, add foods that are rich in thesenutrients in order to achieve the complementary nutrition for healthy foodingredient.

2.The flour also contains a certain amount of minerals and vitamins. Minerals areprimarily distributed in the grain surface, while vitamins are distributedmainly in the seed and the surface.

3.The flour also contains fat. It is mainly present in the germ of the wheatgrain, and then in the bran and the embryo. Grain fats are unsaturated fattyacids, essential fatty acids in humans. It can keep the cells in normalphysiological function, reduce blood viscosity, improve blood circulation and memoryefficiency.

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