Chinese fondue

Chinese fondue

Chinesefondue, traditional dish is actually a broth at the center of the table. Eachguest bakes his own ingredients by immersing them in boiling water seasonedwith chopsticks.


Somesay the fondue originated in the region of Mongolia, even before the arrivalof the Mongols, but there is little historical evidence to this theory. Chinesefondue is most probably originated in the provinceof Sichuan in China.

TraditionalMongolian fondue (pot or Mongolian) comes from northern nomadic tribes.Mongolian fondue largely inspired Chinese fondue. These recipes are a thousandyears old. However, the method of preparation and the necessary equipment areno longer present in the current Mongolian cuisine. In fact, this dish does notmatch the nomadic lifestyle. Because of the complexity of the equipmentrequired, price utensils and also weight, fondue is definitely a dish to becomesedentary households.

Duringthe Tang dynasty, the melted spread to northern China. Depending on the region, ithas seen considerable changes in preparation, such as adding seafood. And inthe Qing Dynasty, the popularity of fondue spread to almost the entire country.Today cooking coal has been replaced in most homes, electrical plates or gas,especially in large cities.

Themelt is different from one region to another. So you can not assign a strictlytraditional character. A variety of ingredients and sauce is used. And it isinteresting to taste the different regional specialties.


Thinslices of frozen meat is cut. Since the meat is frozen, during cooking, it iswound. Can be used for example mutton, beef, or chicken. The broth is generallyplaced at the center of the table, and is heated propane. Vegetables and meatare individually dipped in the broth with chopsticks, cooking time is veryshort, no more than thirty seconds.

There are different ways to enjoy fondue. Some like to dip each element one byone, taking their time, while others prefer to do everything at the same timeand wait for the resumption of the boil to taste makes them.


Basicingredients – Water – Salt – Vegetable Soup – Chinese Cabbage – Spinach –onions – Black mushrooms – Carrots – Tomatoes – Thinly sliced ​​potatoes – Tofu – Ginger – Shallot

Os:– Beef – Chicken

Meatand its variants – Thin slices of beef, pork, chicken, lamb, andouille – Piecesof fish – Shrimp – Saint-Jacques – Squid – Cuttlefish – Fish balls, beef –offal (eg ears)

Starches:– Chinese Pasta – Rice cakes

Condiments– soy sauce – Oyster Sauce – Orange – Sesame oil – Pepper White – Chile –Sesame Butter – Satay – Peanut Butter Sauce – Oil spicy


InBeijing, we eatfondue throughout the year. There are all kinds of utensils for fondue. Thereare now several sections with pots for broths of different flavors. The oldestand traditional restaurants serve a fragrant but soft fondue (little spicy),cooked in a large copper vessel, heated on hot coals in a central chimney.

Themolten Manchurian uses several sauerkraut (suan cai) to give a sour taste ofstew.

Oneof the most famous fondue is that of Sichuanwhich is added a special spice: pepper Sichuan.The spice gives both a warm feeling, the chili, but also chills, like a softdrink. Fondue Sichuanstands out from those of other regions, both for its variety of meat, as itstypes of sauces and soups used.

Thereare also areas with a raw egg yolk or whole egg mixed. According to sometheories, it would reduce the burning sensation, and so sore throat caused byeating too full of warmth during the tasting fondue.


Someguidelines to follow to avoid food intoxicationss, such as salmonella or E.coli:

After handling raw meat, be sure to re-temper your chopsticks into the broth toa boil to kill any germs. If using an egg, make sure it is as fresh aspossible. You can also use other wands.

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