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Chinese food and Chinese
Chinese food and Chinese
Chinese food – Acrazy passion or love reasoned? Just a little observation and some knowledge ofChinese cuisine in an attempt to answer this question.
Thereare thousands of years, Confucius said that the food was the “first needpeople.” Whether out of respect for this great philosopher orcoincidentally, Chinese food deal not only with respect but also with passion.
InChinese, there is no word to express something like “take a smallbite,” and the traditional greeting “Chi fan ma? “Literallymeans” Have you eaten? “. Necessity has forced the Chinese to eatalmost anything that grows on earth, which moves them or that flies in the sky.But people have turned this necessity into virtue, nowadays, Chinese cuisineboasts the largest variety of dishes in the world (around 5000). These dishescan be divided into different styles and subcategories by geography,nationality or social group that invented, adapted or exclusively consumed adish or another – and there are family dishes, officials, imperial ormedicinal. There are also cold, hot or sweet dishes and soups which are dividedinto different types according to cooking. Every Chinese food can not beseparated from the history of its origin: it has absorbed influences from thegeography, climate, natural resources, local customs, as well as social andcultural factors.
Arich symbolism
InChina,eating means much more than simply filling a stomach; the Chinese food is always loadedwith significance and meaning. This is easily observed during the celebrationsof the Spring Festival. Each dish on the table was its interpretation: theoranges to wish luck and good incomes; fish wealth; chicken, even luck;chestnuts, higher incomes; and soy cheese, hoping to get rich. The newlywedseat sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour hoping to make their wedding asweet and harmonious experience; bed on their wedding, they find nuts, dates,sweets and oranges left by their parents – the wish of the latter that thenewlyweds give birth to a son as soon as possible. When a baby has one month,his mother will be offered boiled eggs dyed red. This means that it is now“clean” and can go pray in a temple.
Anancient Chinese proverb says: “For a man, the Chinese food is the most importantthing.” That’s why people treat each meal with seriousness and respect.The Chinese eat three times a day, and the restaurant, they order dishes withthe utmost seriousness. Each person at the table will be asked theirpreferences and what dishes she would try. Chinese friends or colleagues willbe very surprised if you remain indifferent to the fact of ordering your meal.
Forthe Chinese, Chinese food is not just about the stomach, it is a great pleasure, sothey never eat in a hurry and try to taste as many different dishes aspossible. During festive occasions, there are dozens of dishes on the table, asit was once put. Today, many people still hold the ritual experienced foodfirst “eight cold snacks” including traditional cold chicken, beans,boiled eggs cooked in lime, shrimps and various vegetables. Then came the hot,and again, there must be eight. Often the latest hot dish is a whole fish – awish of luck and abundance. Rice is served during the meal or among the lastdishes. Contrary to the European tradition, the soup is served at the end ofthe meal, as the Chinese believe that it is better for digestion, and I mustsay they are absolutely right. Then comes the variety of sweet dishes andfruit. When fruits are served, it means that the meal is over.
Ameal in Chinese means that the dishes are not served individually but for allthe guests, and anyone can put something like that in his flat or even that ofa neighbor. At one table, all are equal, because the Chinese prefer roundtables with a turntable, so that everyone can easily reach any dish of yourchoice.
Thetable manners mean that each guest may make a feast of alcohol in the glass ofa neighbor and raise your glass to someone. In China, people like to make atoast and drink their alcohol to the last drop, saying “Gan Bei! Gan Bei!“(Bottoms up). Very often you can see people completely turn their glass,a way to demonstrate their boldness and honesty to drink. Hitting the glassesis widely accepted in China, and if, at a table, people are too far apart toclink their glasses, they can hit their glasses against the glass surface ofthe hub at the center of the table.
TheEast and West do they meet at the table?
Inmany countries, people go to restaurants not only to eat but also to spend timetogether, chatting and occasionally dance. In China, it’s different. People goto a restaurant with one goal: to eat. Everything is subordinated to this goal,which is why very often inside restaurants is very simple, even spartan. Theopening hours of restaurants are also determined by the consumption of food, soit is not always easy to find a restaurant open after 22 am, as most Chinesehave already eaten. But there is one thing you can be certain: even if arestaurant looks like a snack, the food is usually good. The easiest to judgeis to see if the restaurant is crowded manner. A full restaurant capacity meansfor sure a great leader. In this country, a “good restaurant” doesnot mean a hushed interior, beautiful decor and not even an outstandingservice, but first the excellent food, because it is the first and only reasonPeople go to this restaurant and coming back.
Ilike to observe the Chinese room: it is a unique and exciting show. It’s as iftrying the food for the first and last time in their lives: the sticks movequickly, lips eagerly chew and the stomach will be filled joyfully and satiety.You can witness this scene at least three times a day, and each time it issimilar. Some say it is because there is 25, the people of this country did nothave enough to eat. This is true and this may be one explanation, but I thinkthe main reason is much simpler: the Chinese like to eat, they love the flavorsand different tastes, and the food is for them entertainment. That’s why therestoration is a thriving business in this country.
Nowadays,it is easy to find restaurants to suit all tastes and all budgets. On thestreet, you can order a huge, unpretentious fresh jiaozi dish for US $ 0.25, oryou can dine in an exquisite restaurant in Shanghai for over $ 100 per person:the choice is yours.
Meanwhile,Chinese restaurants face a particular problem that is virtually unknownEuropean restaurants here, people order too many dishes. The main reason ofsuch a waste of money and resources is not the food itself but the currentdesign in Asia and China’s “face.” People do not want others to thinkthey are stingy. And remember: If you invite someone to eat, it is not just tofill their stomachs, it’s a social event, an opportunity to show yourhospitality, and there is no question of saving at this moment. People go tothe restaurant to strengthen ties of friendship and to strengthen businessrelationships; a banquet is a good investment. In the West, we negotiate to geta better result, but in China, we eat together for the same purpose. That iswhy it is so important for the Chinese to keep a good banquet and not havingthe miser air: If this is the case, farewell friendship goodbye bargains! Theargument is simple: if the dishes are empty after a banquet, it means that thefood was excellent, but otherwise, it could also mean that there was not enoughfood for everyone and anyone may think you are stingy. Thus people order much,but luckily they also love to eat.
Thelove affair with Chinese food is still going on and on …
Image source:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/