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  • Chinese food enoki mushroom natural health benefits and nutrition facts

Chinese food enoki mushroom natural health benefits and nutrition facts

Chinese food recipe natural health enoki mushroom

Chinese food enoki mushroom

Nutrition facts of Chinese food enoki mushroom (per 100 grams)

Calories (kcal) 26 VitaminB1 (mg) 0.16

Sodium (mg) 4.3 Magnesium (mg) 17

Vitamin A (ug) 6 Selenium (mcg) 0.29

Protein (g) 2.9 Carbohydrates (g) 6

Potassium (mg) 196 Phosphorus (mg) 97

Niacin (mg) 4.1 Iron (mg) 1.6

Vitamin C (mg) 2 Vitamin E (mg) 1.16

Zinc (mg) 0.39 Fat (g) 0.6

Copper (mg) 0.16 Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.19

Dietary fiber (g) 2.7 Manganese (mg) 0.1

Nutritional value of Chinese food enoki mushroom

1.Nutrition characteristics of enoki mushroom characteristics is low in calories and fat, high inprotein, sugar and vitamin.

2.The enoki mushroom amino acid content is very rich, higher than other fungi,particularly lysine content is very high, which can promote the intellectualdevelopment of children.

Chinese food enoki mushroom for your natural health and cures:

1.Promote the intellectual development: the amino acid content is very high,which can promote and foster intellectual development and improve memory. Theenoki mushroom becomes indispensable for the maintenance of health andstrengthening the intelligence of children, for the life extension of theelderly, and to improve the memory of adults. It is hailed as a “fungusthat promotes intellectual development.”

2.The effect of the anti-fatigue enoki mushroom consumption has the effect ofanti-fatigue, anti-bacteria, anti-inflammation, eliminate heavy metal toxinsand anti-tumor effect.

3.Prevent Allergy: enoki mushroom consumption can prevent asthma, rhinitis,eczema and other allergies.

4.Lower blood lipids: enoki mushroom consumption can inhibit the increase ofblood lipids, reduce cholesterol to prevent hyperlipidemia, and reduce theincidence of cardiovascular disease.

5.Promote metabolism: enoki mushroom consumption can promote the biologicalactivity of the body to promote metabolism, which promotes the absorption ofnutrients.

Not recommended for: Enoki mushroom consumption is not suitable for thosesuffering from the weakening of the spleen and stomach due to cold, chronicdiarrhea, arthritis, and lupus erythematosus.

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