Chinese food nutrition

Chinese food nutrition 

Chinese food nutrition 

Vitaminis a general name of a group of organic compounds or nutrients essential forhealth. However, our bodies can not generally synthesize these vitaminsnaturally. So make sure to eat some reasonable food to get them. Thus, the list Chinese food below occupies an important place in our diet.


Foodsof animal origin: cod liver oil, egg.

Vegetables:carrots, peppers, sweet potato.

Fruit:lemon, persimmon.

Chinesemedicinal plants: Plantago, purple perilla, giant hyssop, the goji berry.


Foodsof animal origin: meat (pork leg), pork loin, sausage, liver (chicken, beef,etc.), egg yolk, milk, cheese.

Vegetables:spinach, fragrant mushroom.

Driedfruits: the peanut.



Vegetables:tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers, sweet potatoes, celery, carrot, cauliflower, lotusroot, pea shoot, rapeseed, broccoli.

Fruits:kiwi, apple, orange, grapefruit, jujube, lemon, cherry, strawberry,pomegranate.


Mainsource: the sun.

Animalfoods: animal liver, the fish of the sea, the egg yolk.

Dairyproducts: cheese.


Vegetables:spinach, cabbage, lettuce, Chinese yam, sweet potato.

Driedfruits: almond apricot, hazelnut, walnut walnut, sunflower seed, sesame,peanut.

Cereals:corn, soybean, rice, wheat germ.


Vegetableoils: sunflower oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, wheat germ, safflower, flax.

Driedfuits: the peanut, walnut walnut, sunflower seed.

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Healthy tips :Chinese food carrot  for your natural health

1. Increase resistance: lignin contained in carrots can improve the immune mechanism to indirectly destroy cancer cells.

2. Lower blood sugar and blood lipids: the carrot consumption can lower blood lipids, promote the synthesis of adrenaline, lower blood pressure and strengthen heart function. Carrot becomes an ideal food for patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease.

3. Lighten eyes: the carrot is rich in carotene, after entering the body, 50% of carotene becomes vitamin A by the action of the enzyme in the liver and the lining of the small intestine, which the effect of toning the liver to clear eyes, and treat night blindness.

4. Tone diaphragm and expand the intestines: plant fiber in carrots may increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote metabolism and purgation, and prevent against cancer.

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