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- Chinese food onion healthy benefits and nutrition facts
Chinese food onion healthy benefits and nutrition facts

Chinese food onion
Nutrition facts of Chinese food onion (per 100 grams)
Calorimeteronion (100 grams) Calories (kcal) 39
Fat(g) 0.2 Protein (g) 1.2
Magnesium(mg) 15 Calcium(mg) 26
Carbohydrates(g) 9 Potassium (mg) 147
Phosphorus(mg) 39 Sodium(mg) 4.3
Niacin(mg) 0.3 Iron(mg) 0.6
Dietaryfiber (g) 0.9 Manganese(mg) 0.16
VitaminC (mg) 8 Vitamin E (mg)0.16
Zinc(mg) 0.23 Vitamin B1(mg) 0.03
Copper(mg) 0.05 Vitamin B2(mg) 0.03
VitaminA (ug) 3 Selenium (mcg)0.93
Iodine(mg) 1.6 Carotene (mg)27
Nutritional value of Chinese food onion
1.onion consumption can spread the cold, because the bulbs and onion leavescontain volatile fatty substance called propylene sulfide.
2.The onion is a nutritious food with a spicy smell, which can stimulate thesecretion of the stomach, intestines and digestive gland to increase appetiteand promote digestion. The onion does not contain fat and oil mixture comprisesa sulfur which may lower cholesterol.
3.The onion is a single food containing prostaglandin A, which can dilate bloodvessels, reducing blood viscosity and thus lower blood pressure, reduce bloodflow in peripheral blood vessels and increase blood flow coronary arteries to preventthrombosis, resist the effects of pressure rise of the substances such ascatecholamines, and promote the excretion of sodium, for lowering bloodpressure.
4.The onion has a cooling effect, onion consumption can help cells use glucosebetter and lower blood sugar to supply heat to the brain cells, onion becomes agood vegetable for diet patients with diabetes and exhausting consciousness.
5.The onion contains a substance which is one of the substances against thecancer, it can prevent the variation of the biochemical mechanism of the body,and control the growth of cancer cells, to prevent and against cancer.
6.The trace element selenium content in onions is a powerful antioxidant that caneliminate free radicals from the body and improve cell viability and metaboliccapacity, and the effects of anti-cancer and anti-aging.
7.Onion also contains calcium, in recent years, Swiss scientists have found thatregular consumption of onion can increase bone density and help prevent andtreat osteoporosis.
Chinese food onion for your natural health and cures:
1.The sterilizing effect spicy onion helps resist against the cold and fluviruses, with a strong bactericidal effect.
2.Promote digestion: onion consumption can be used to treat indigestion, loss ofappetite and retention of food.
3.Lower blood pressure and reduce blood lipids: the regular consumption of onionplays a beneficial role in health care for those suffering from hypertension,hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
4.The effects of the prevention of cancer, the effect of anti-cancer and theeffect of anti-aging: containing antioxidants in onions can strengthen thevitality of cells and promote the effects of anti-cancer and anti-aging.
5.calcium supplement: Onion consumption helps to increase bone density andprevent osteoporosis.
Not recommended for: Chinese food onion consumption isnot suitable for those suffering from pruritus of the skin, eye diseases,diseases of the stomach.
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