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- Chinese food recipes mushrooms— Chinese nutritious healthy recipe
Chinese food recipes mushrooms— Chinese nutritious healthy recipe
Chinese food recipes mushrooms
Chinese food recipes mushrooms
Chinese food mushrooms
Abag bought in Chinese grocery store in the thirteenth.Wenote the Latin name of Lentinus edodes (lentin oak).CondensedHealth pourn the price of a handful of peanuts!
Itsproperties are manifold and it has the advantage of being delicious, which doesno harm.
InAsia, the price of this fungus almost solelydepends on a qualitative aspect, the best varieties, harvested in mountains andin very particular circumstances, after a frost and morning mists, worth smallfortunes.
Theirhat is finely crackled reticles which gives them a bronzed look, if not silver,characteristic.
Fragrantmushrooms are enough characteristics in shape with cracks in eyespots on thehat and strong odor “harmonious” (Xiang).
Whatto Eat and also stay healthy for a few euros but do not go in pharmaceuticallabs.
Theseare the most active and most flavorful mushrooms therefore the most famous.
Chinesedoctors say that the properties of the fungus range from one to five accordingto the quality, appearance of things, like the famous Ginseng is still notsufficiently taken into account by western pharmaceutical companies.
Thequality is not under the knife!.
Theother categories are less expensive and you can buy in large enough quantitiesin Chinese grocery stores, a health-based treatment of these fungi remain afterall cheap.
Thesefungi presoak twenty minutes in warm water then it should cook twenty minutesin barely simmering water.
Thefoot, leathery, is to remove.
ButAsians chop the menu and reserve the sauce to flavor.
Itcan be used in many soups, stews.
Thisfragrant mushroom is also sold fresh as it rises well but his exceptionalflavor really only develops only dried in good conditions.
Freshor dried it, repeat, a product renowned both in terms of health on the culinarymap.
Itsnature is neutral, its mild flavor and has an action on the meridians of thespleen, stomach, liver, lungs, kidneys.
Italso works deep on the meridians of the heart and gallbladder.
Itregulates the breath (QI) and increases the essential principle (Jing).
Hespends to promote economy of ancestral energy and is therefore a deepantifatiguant.
SeveralChinese and Japanese studies have shown antiviral qualities and especiallyantitumoral from its most active ingredient, lentinan.
Itis now used in the West in the triple therapy and adjunctive treatment ofcancer.
Lentinusedodes (lentin oak) contains several other active substances: polysaccharidesand germanium in its natural state.
From Chinese food recipes mushrooms which prevents the formation of blood clots and improves bloodfunction.
Ofganoderic gas which acts on skin cells and slows its aging.
InChinese it is called Mu Xiang gold represents a flavor / aroma thatreflects fundamental in the West as “fragrant”.
ButXiang (Hsiang) is also the radical 186, so the essential character, alsomeaning fragrant, aromatic substance (which also means the delectable,succulent, delicious, good, excellent, virtuous, good reputation, good fame,which the fragrance of virtue . It is also harmonious, putting in harmony,which regulates, the effect achieves harmony.
Of“fragrant mushrooms” Mu Xiang which are other than the Lentinus Edodes Shiitake therefore which is extracted lentinan.
Between“fragrant mushroom” and “lentinan” in price from 1-1000000.
Butthe active product is exactly the same.
By“precautionary principle” is better just eat fragrant mushrooms atleast once a month!
Anda good meal at Chinese restaurant is still better than capsules or injections.
ProfessorJacques Lavier (who also taught Chinese at the University of Taipeioutside his lectures acupuncture) spoke about Western medicine as“medicine anal (or anal!), Oral and intravenous.”
Itwould therefore be possible to speak, regarding a part of Chinese medicine“oral and culinary medicine”.
Chinese food recipes mushrooms
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