Chinese food recipes pumpkin

Chinese food smart health recipes pumpkin

Chinese food smart health recipes pumpkin

Pumpkinis characterized by its high water content, about 92%, and its very low caloricvalue. Energy intake is the same as that of lettuce with 20Kcal / 100g.

Despiteits low energy, pumpkin provides a wide variety of vitamins and minerals inproper concentration, hence its qualification vegetable strong mineral density.The mineral wealth is dominated by potassium and low sodium levels. The bark ofpumpkin preserves vitamins.

Thepumpkin is particularly rich in provitamin A (Beta Carotene) as all carrot andorange vegetables. 200g pumpkinsufficient to cover the daily requirements of Beta Carotene! Provitamin A isinvolved in antioxidant defenses in athletes, cell turnover, skin protectionagainst solar radiation in outdoor sports heavily exposed (marathon, cycling,long distance races …). Vitamin C is also slightly present, and strengthensthe antioxidant qualities pumpkin.


Thefibers provide a facilitating function of the intestinal transit, without thembeing aggressive, since they are crushed in the usual culinary preparations(flan, soup). Provitamin A is involved in the immune system, vision, andprevention of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. The low sodiumcontent allows Chinese food smart health recipes pumpkin consumption in regimes.


Theantioxidant properties of pumpkin find application in the context of a recoverymeal. By its low energy value and richness in vitamins and minerals, the pumpkincan recommend in weight loss diets.

Canned pumpkin

Thereare on the market pumpkin puree and trim mixtures canned pie. Thesepreparations, ready to use, have varying nutritional values, as addedingredients. Pumpkin purees are usually made of pumpkin only. Against by thepie fillings may contain spices, vegetable oil, salt, sugar and dye. They maythus contain up to five times more than sugar, three times as many calories andmuch more sodium than purees made exclusively of pumpkin. The use of cannedpuree is a good alternative if we wish to avoid the steps of preparing andcooking fresh pumpkin … Although nothing beats a good health home prepared mashedpumpkin!


Althoughfood allergy in the family Cucurbitaceae (including many varieties of squash,zucchini, squash, etc.) is quite common, few cases of allergy pumpkin orpumpkin seeds have been reported . Pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber and zucchiniare a group of foods are strongly associated allergies; an allergic person atone of these foods is thus more likely to be allergic to the other three.

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