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Chinese food recipes radish
Chinese food recipes radish
Chinese food recipes radish
Radishis an ancient vegetable that was cultivated long before the arrival of thepotato. He was one of the most consumed vegetables daily.
Itsfleshy root has a color varying according to the varieties, white, pink,salmon, …. This plant the vegetable is cooked in many dishes such as stew,pot-au-feu, the can … The radish leaves can also be cooked or used in soups.
Generallysays radish comes from the Mediterranean basin. However, several vegetableplants belonging to the same species (Brassica rapa) originate in China.According to one hypothesis currently being studied, it would rather twoindependent lines for this species. The first would come from further westregions (Europe, India and Central Asia) and include radish, rutabaga andshuttle (now colza or canola); the second rather come from East Asia, and wouldinclude the many varieties of “Chinese cabbage” grown for their rootsor leaves: ta-tsoi, Hon tsai tai, mibuna, mizuna, komatsuna, pac choi, bokchoi, pai lo lo, etc.
TheGreeks and Romans knew many varieties of radish. In the first century AD, Plinythe Elder described under the names of rapa and napus, elongated radishs, flatand round. At the same time, the vegetable used in France of food for both humans andlivestock. Later, it will become an important food of the English who shallboil or roast the roots, leaves and cook will surface its young shoots insalads.
Radishswill be introduced in Americaby Jacques Cartier in 1541. With lettuce and cabbage, it will be the firstvegetable old world to be grown in New France.Native Americans quickly adopt and will to grow.
Radishsincludes more than 30 species including the most famous, Milan, spherical and flattened, recognizableby its white dress with purple collar. The Nancyand Norfolk arerounded, the Nantais and Croissy are elongated and white. Radish “Yellowgold ball” is very rare: it has a fine and tender flesh.
Theautumn is rather radish grown in northern areas, while early radish (sometimescalled “radish May”) is now the most common.
Theradish is a vegetable with white flesh bulbous belonging to the cruciferousfamily. It is sometimes confused with rutabaga. However, it is of two differentspecies. Low in calories, radish provides vitamins and minerals, but especiallysulfur compounds that might participate in better prevention of cancers.
Theradish has relatively little energy components.
Itcomprises more than 90% water, little carbohydrate, while the lipids andproteins are present only in trace amounts.
Thisvegetable is a source of vitamin C and B vitamins It provides minerals:potassium, calcium, phosphorus but also sodium, in larger amounts than mostvegetables.
Italso contains trace elements iron, zinc, copper, manganese …
Likeall cruciferous sulfur compounds it contains substances that may exert aprotective effect on health, vis-à-vis the particular cancer.
Itsfiber content is moderate. These consist essentially of insoluble fiber.
Chinese food recipes radish
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