Chinese food recipes smallpeas

Chinese food smart health recipes smallpeas

Chinese food smart health recipes smallpeas

Peas are consumed as vegetables but are more energy (81 cal / 100 g) that the majority of green vegetables. They are also of interest for their intake of soluble sugars, lysine and fibers composed mainly hemicelluloses when they are young. Peas are also a good source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) with 25 mg / 100 g. Consumption spread throughout the year thanks to modern conservation techniques (canning, freezing).

The term “pea” includes, by metonymy, pods, or pods, which enclose the seeds and the plants that produce them.

The green peas displayed an original composition. It contains more carbohydrates, protein and fiber than most vegetables … But as these, it has a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

The green peas are rich in carbohydrates.

Their nature depends on the degree of maturity of the plant: sucrose, fructose and glucose predominate in the young small peas, which explains its sweetness … The proportion of starch increases progressively its ripening.

It also offers a relatively high protein: it contains about three times more than most vegetables. However these do not include all the essential amino acids.

Finally, the lipid concentration is slightly higher than that of other vegetables. However, they remain present in quantities too small to play a real nutritional role.

The pea has high levels of provitamin A and vitamin K. It also contains vitamin E, vitamin A, the B vitamins and some vitamin C.

It brings small amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants from the carotenoid family (but not under the category of provitamin A) which play a protective role on health.

This vegetable contains a lot of minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron and good amounts of trace elements: zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, fluoride …

Its fibers are abundant, and their proportion evolves As the ripening process. From cellulose and delignine increases, while pectins decrease.

The fresh Chinese food smart health recipes smallpeas are used as a side dish and are prepared traditionally “English” . In English, the peas are cooked in salted boiled water. When cooking is drained and add the butter (The English also add mint) .At the time of serving, they are linked with butter or cream. They are also used in the preparation of salads, vegetable planters, in Macedonian and purees.

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