Chinese food recipes tofu

Chinese food smart health recipes tofu

Chinese food smart health recipes tofu

Tofu or “bean curd” is a Chinese food, from the “curdling” of the soymilk. It is a white paste, soft, low odor and taste somewhat neutral, constituting an important basis of the Asian diet.

It is obtained by adding a coagulating agent to soy milk that has undergone heat treatment. The coagulant may be a salt such as magnesium chloride (nigari Japanese or Chinese lǔshuǐ) or calcium, gypsum (calcium sulfate) or when an acidic agent such as glucono delta lactone (GDL) or lemon juice. Nigari is preferred in Japan, the calcium sulphate in China whereas calcium chloride is the United States.

Important part of the Asian diet, tofu exists in many forms (dried, smoked, in sheets or in blocks, hairy, herbs …). It is also consumed by vegetarians and vegans Western. There is one kitchen, diced, fried or mixed in salads, in soup or crumbled into patties with vegetables and cereals.

Tofu term pronounced tofu, tofu comes from the Chinese, which is itself derived from the Chinese 豆腐 doufu (pronounced / toʊ˥˩fu /), which is morphologically analyzed as “bean rot” (. Ch) doufu 豆腐→ tofu (jap.) → tofu (In.) The first mention of the word “tofu” in a European language is in a Portuguese-Japanese dictionary, the Vocabvlario da Lingoa of IAPAM (Vocabulario da Língua do Japão modern Portuguese) written and published by the Jesuits in Nagasaki in 1603.

The German naturalist Engelbert Kaempfer who had the opportunity to stay in Nagasaki, between 1690 and 1692 became known to European botanists soybeans in a book from 1712. It is found in the nineteenth century in the Bulletin of the Society of acclimatization, raw tofu descriptions under the tou-fou names, “Chinese cheese” or “pea cheese” (because soy is also called “pea oilseed “) and finally to the end of the century of” daizu cheese “or” to-fu “(thanks to informants returning from Japan). In a curious Le Potager (1892), indicate that soy is used “for the manufacture of Shoyu, Miso and the To-fu.”

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