Chinese food recipes tomato Healthy Chinese recipes

Chinese food smart health recipes tomato

Chinese food smart health recipes tomato

Thetomato is a species of herbaceous plant of the nightshade family, a native ofnorth western south America, widely cultivated for its fruit. the term alsorefers to the fleshy fruit. the tomato is a vegetable – fruit, raw or has become an indispensable part of food in many countries, and especiallyin the Mediterranean basin.

Theplant is grown in the field or under protection in almost all latitudes,covering an area of approximately 3 million hectares. the tomato has resultedin the development of a large processing industry, for the production ofconcentrated, sauces, including “ketchup”, juice and canned foods.

Thespecies has a number of botanical varieties, including the “tomato”and “cherry tomato fruit” is a closely related species, and thousandsof varieties.

Inview of its economic importance, it is the subject of much scientific research,and is regarded as a genetic model plant. she gave birth to the firstgenetically transformed authorized to use ephemeral and sold to the unitedstates in the 1990s.

Thetomato contains antioxidants, particularly carotenoids, of which the mostabundant is lycopene, a red pigment that gives it its. the antioxidant activityof tomato is also provided by various phenolic compounds. the antioxidantcompounds found in fruits and vegetables protect cells from damage caused byfree radicals and prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, somecancers and other diseases associated with aging.

Tomatoesand tomato based products are the main sources of lycopene in the diet in north America, with 85% of major carotenoid. in additionto its antioxidant activity, the effects of cholesterol lowering drugs andtomato, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the ability to prevent theproliferation of certain types of cancer cells. while the current data are notsufficient to recommend a daily intake of lycopene, the studies indicate thatthe consumption of more than 6 mg lycopene per day (about 2 1 / 2 cup of rawtomatoes or tomato juice) bénéfiques16 effects may result.

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