Chinese food recipes whitecabbage

Chinese food smart health recipes whitecabbage

Chinese food smart health recipes whitecabbage

Whitecabbage belongs to the cruciferous family. One can eat it raw, cooked orfermented form of sauerkraut.

Themost colorful leaves contain the most nutrients. More cooking time is, the moreits nutritional value decreases. To get the most of its nutrients, can eat itraw or juiced.

Cabbagecontains the following substances:

ironcalcium, phosphorus, selenium, silicon, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, zinc, etc. ;

vitaminC, vitamin E, vitamin K, riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid;


fibersincluding pectin;

genisteinand indoles (anticancer phytochemical substances)

Redcabbage contains more fiber, vitamin C, calcium and potassium, but less folicacid and chlorophyll.


Thecabbage :

preventsand cures ulcers;

improvesthe defense system;

destroysbacteria and viruses;

preventscolon cancer.

Traditionallyattributed the following properties Cabbage

strengthensthe body, purifies the blood, fighting scurvy, remineralizes, conditions, etc.

Itbenefits from its therapeutic action:

hoarseness,catarrh, scurvy, eye diseases, gout, rheumatism, pyorrhea, asthma,tuberculosis, gangrene, etc.



Researchhas shown the effectiveness of the cabbage juice to cure stomach ulcers (1liter per day for three weeks). Medical supervision.

Toimprove the taste of the juice without reducing its therapeutic value, one canmake a mixture of celery juice parts to 3 parts of cabbage juice.


Sauerkrautis obtained from the fermentation of cabbage in contact with the salt. A lacticacid bacterium is activated which improves the digestibility of cabbage withoutdecreasing its nutritional value.

Itwould be interesting to add cabbage to its menu at least once a week.


health homeremedies

Poulticeof grated cabbage:

Gratethe cabbage, mix with a little water;

Placeon a piece of tissue;

Placeon the affected area;


Apply2 times a day on the wound.

Inthe following circumstances: paronychia, abscesses, boils, etc.

Poulticewith full leaves

Largercabbage leaves were removed, the central portion is removed or bruised. One canheat the leaves few moments over a heat source to soften the leaves.

Issuperimposed 3-4 leaves on the painful area, covered with a piece of wool andfixed with a rubber band.

Inthe following conditions: arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, sprain.

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