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Chinese food sculpture
Chinese food sculpture
Chinese food sculpture is an artistic curiosity inChinese cooking.
The origin of this culinary culture in Chinaremains unclear, but it would have become thriving during the Song Dynasty(960-1279).
It is to carve and decorate different foodswith methods similar to wood carving, to cut paper, etc.
By cutting, chopping, scraping or diggingdifferent vegetables and fruits, cooks can create real works.
Food sculpture is often present at largebanquets and important meals. She not only for the visual aesthetic purpose butalso demonstrate the talents of the cook.
These are systematically cooks who carvefood. The works are three-dimensional, more experienced can only perform suchwork.
If the main theme revolves around thesculpture flowers, this art also reproduced portraits, fish, birds, etc.
Before you choose the subject of hissculpture, the cook will need to know the purpose of the banquet, the number ofguests, etc. The identity, nationality, ethnicity and religious faith of eachof the guests can also be considered. Over the banquet will be important overthe sculpture will be too. For a wedding, you will find for example meloncarvings representing the character “double happiness” or a dragon anda phoenix, symbols of longevity.
The choice of fruit or vegetable to becarved clearly depends on the subject he will represent. Thus for a roundabout, one will choose a watermelon or a melon, for an oval about a mango, asubject in such a carrot length, etc. The main foods are used for carving thepumpkin and pumpkins, watermelon, squash, cucumber, carrot, missing, onion,eggplant, beets, broccoli, wild rice sprouts, celery, tomatoes and eggs.
As with classical sculpture, the artistbegins to roughly define the shape for later focus on the details.
The tools used can range from simple spoonmold, through the cutter and all kinds of knives.
Today in China, food sculpture competitionsare held regularly. One can admire many of these works at the many food fairstaking place in the country.
Chinese food sculpture
Image source:http://baike.hrhrs.com/index.php?doc-view-3752.html
Healthy tips: Chinese food brocoli for your natural health:
1. Anti-cancer: the most significant effect of broccoli is anti-cancer, especially against stomach cancer and breast cancer. The serum selenium level of the body with stomach cancer obviously reduced, and the vitamin C in gastric juice density is much lower than the ordinary. Broccoli can provide the body not only séléniums and vitamin C, but also the rich carotene which can prevent the lesion of cell synthesis and inhibit the growth of cancerous tumor.
2. Improved immunity: broccoli has rich ascorbic acid that can enhance the detoxification capacity and improve immunity.
3. A good weight loss items: water content cauliflower is over 90% and is low calorie. For people who want to thin, broccoli can not only fill the stomach but also scoop growing.
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