Chinese gallbladder tablets and natural health benefits

Chinese natural medicine-Gallbladder tablets 

Gallbladder tablets

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications : upset stomach ,gallbladder stones , liver congestion.

Chinese health philosophythis formula is used to clarify andtransform Toxic Heat and Humidity Heat Liver and Gallbladder .

Associated symptoms: swollen and painfulflanks and sides , fatigue, loss of appetite , nausea , vomiting, bitter mouth,abdominal bloating, irregular bowel movements , tongue with yellow and greasycoating , pulse rope and quick.


4-6 tablets , 3 times per day.


Excess fat and sugary food and excessalcohol produce heat humidity at the Liver and Gallbladder . Microbes andtoxins can attack these organs. Disabilities capabilities digestion , as wellas impairment of the function of transport- transformation Spleen and Stomach ,which cause internal accumulates and turns into heat humidity . All thesephenomena cause an accumulation of Humidity Heat Liver and Gallbladder . Thisdisturbs the function of drainage and congestion causes swelling and pain inthe liver gives a bitter taste in the mouth. Bile accumulates and causes thecreation of stones.

This drains the excess of bile , whichallows the reduction and removal of calculi (stones ) of less than onecentimeter.

If the expulsion of bile is important andcauses unpleasant symptoms like irritating stools and vomiting of bile, reducethe recommended dosage.

If you simply suffer from discomfortassociated with hepatic congestion, take one tablet three times a day.


Keep out of reach of children.If the stoneshave more than 1 cm, thereis a danger that they obstruct the bile duct .

Click here to see some gallbladder tabletsproducts example.


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