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Chinese Ginseng and astragalus combination for natural health

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang(Ginseng and astragalus combination)

Ginseng and astragalus combination-Decoction for toning the center and increase energy

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications : slow digestionaccompanied by bloating , loose stools or constipation weakness , fatigue ,weakened immune system , rectal and uterine prolapse , ptosis ( sagging of anorgan ) gastric or renal recovery , chronic illness, postpartum depression ,protection of physical and mental abilities in the elderly , protection againstcancer and tumors.

Chinese health philosophy of ginseng andastragalus combinationinvigorates the energyof the average household, raises Yang collapsed digestive system tonic andEnergy

Associated symptoms: pale tongue ,thin-white coating , pulse vacuum , large, powerless .


As this ginseng and astragalus combinationformula is in different forms and different concentrations , it is important tofollow the manufacturer’s recommendations. A tonic should be taken for at leastone month . This toner can be used long term .


One of the most known and used intraditional Chinese medicine formulas. The average fireplace is the ability todigest and assimilate food. He is responsible for triage center that eliminateswhat is wrong and keep what is good . It transports nutrients to the rightplace in the body. An average healthy Foyer gives vigor and increasesresistance to disease.


Li Dong -yuan (1180-1251) , one of the fourgreat masters of his time, published the Treaty on the spleen and stomach,where he demonstrated the importance of supporting the internal organs in thefight against the disease. Chase the bad and the good tone . He created theformula Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang in mind and he used it , modifying it as necessaryto treat all kinds of diseases. Chinawas going through a very chaotic time : war, famine and epidemic . People weresubjected to excessive emotional and mental stress caused by these calamities .In our modern society, characterized by a high level of stress and the increasein chronic diseases , theories of Li Dong- Yuan experiencing a resurgence inpopularity .


Since 1985, no fewer than 23 scientificstudies have been conducted on the effects of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang .

In 2000 , a team of Chinese researchersshowed , in a study of patients with primary liver cancer , the traditionalpreparation could actually increase the natural production of hematopoieticgrowth factor (which stimulates production of white blood cells) as well astumor necrosis factor (small natural protein that attack cancerous tumors) , the following year , researchers confirmed that the preparation couldcurb the proliferation of liver cancer and trigger apoptosis ( natural processabsent in cancer cells, which is programmed cell death ) .

In 2000 , Japanese researchers showed thatthe same preparation , which bears the name of Japan hochu – ekki -to, caneffectively fight an infection caused by resistant Staphylococcus méthicilline.

In 2001 , another Japanese team reported thecase of a patient of 59 years with renal ptosis ( sagging kidneys) and whosecondition was significantly improved following treatment with hochu – ekki –to.

Astragalus , the main ingredient of theformula has been a number of studies on its immunostimulatory properties.


Communicable diseases in the acute phasedisease manifested by thirst , restlessness , redness , fever .

You can click here to see someginseng and astragalus combination products.


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