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- Chinese herbs for cold — How to treat a cold rapid with natural medicine
Chinese herbs for cold — How to treat a cold rapid with natural medicine
Chinese herbs for cold
Black soy prepared
Scientific name: Semen Sojae
Chinese name: Dan Dou Chi 淡豆豉
Plant parts used and preparation: Cook the water 70-100 g SANG YE and QING HAO, filter; mix the filtrate with 1 kg of washed black soybeans; steaming ; put in a mat and cover with SANG YE QING HAO previously cooked; let simmer until the appearance of yellow hairs; wash with clean water; put soybeans in a container; seal the récipiant, ferment 15-21 days; soybeans out of the container; dry in the sun.
This herb has influences on the human body: lung and stomach meridians
Flavour: spicy, sweet, (slightly bitter)
Nature: fresh
Health Effects:
-eliminates anxiety
– Cold: fear of cold, fever, headache, body pain (with Chinese chives CONG BAI)
– Febrile Diseases (RE BING) at the final stage or the stage of convalescence (slight fever, chest tightness, burning sensation and epigastric discomfort, dysphoria / agitation anxiety, insomnia): cook DOU CHI decoction with ZHI ZI (the fruit the Gardenia).
Scientific name: Rhizoma phragmitis
Chinese name: Lu Gen 芦根
Plant parts used: Rhizome, rid of fibrous roots and its outer casing, cleaned, dried in the sun, cut into pieces. (Late spring, early summer and autumn).
This herb has influences on the human body: lung and stomach meridians
Flavor: sweet
Nature: Cold
Health Effects :
– Removes heat, generates body fluids and stop thirst
-calmer anxious agitation
– Clarify the lungs and stop coughing
– Clarify the stomach and stop vomiting
– Disperse the toxin and promote breakouts
– Encourage the elimination of humidity
– Febrile diseases with liquid damage, dry tongue with little liquid
– Lung-Heat: cough, thick yellow sputum and, lung abscess cough with purulent sputum and foul smelling sputum or blood-streaked
– Initial stage of disease lukewarm fever, cough and sore throat; By Wind Cold Heat: cough, dry tongue and mouth, throat pain
– Heat of the Stomach: nausea, vomiting, belching, regurgitation: Only in decoction, to drink frequently, or in combination with other plants
– Initial measles with late onset of eruptions Stadium, or incompletely outputs eruptions: Alone or with other products that disperse the toxin and promote breakouts
Modern pharmacological actions:
– Action antipyretic;
– Antiemetic Action;
– Soothing thirst.
Spring onion
Scientific name: Bulbus allii Fistulosi
Chinese name: Cong Bai 葱白 (蔥白)
Parts of the plant used: the white part of the stem near the bulb. Use fresh.
This herb has influences on the human body: lung and stomach meridians.
Taste: Spicy
Nature: warm
Health Effects :
– Slight cold
– sudorific
– Disperses cold
– Eliminates the toxin
– Pain and epigastric or abdominal distension by Cold retention and stagnation of energy, or dysuria by hypofunction of the Bladder: CHAO CONG BAI apply on the navel or lower abdomen.
– Suppurative skin infections, anthrax, abscesses: CONG BAI mix with honey, apply on the affected area.
Herbs for cold source:http://baike.so.com/doc/5376977-5613105.html