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Chinese maxims

Chinese maxims
Many Chinese maxims made by Chinese thinkers and other great figures of different dynastiespendants thousands of years have come down to us. By elements of universaltruth they contain, they are today still instructive and meaningful. Thiscollection of Chinese maxims “Golden Precepts” Chinese thinkers forfive thousand years. Like flowers carried by the tide of history, they kepttheir scent, their colors, and their original beauty. They not only contributeto the intellectual development of the player, but will be for him a source ofinspiration and enable it to become a good man. This collection meets the needsof all those who are moving forward, intending to develop throughout theirlives, build their career and want to learn both reading classical texts andthe life experience.
Tooflattering friends can lose a man his virtues; an excess of entertainment canmake him lose his aspirations.
Physicallyharm a Confucian is possible, but can not break his will.
Howcan a man be gorging on food and remain idle all day?
Whodoes not have a strong will can never become a man of great wisdom.
Itis by educating tirelessly with others that you can acquire a broad knowledge.The infatuation makes narrow-minded.
Ifit is not carved, jade can become an ornament or as an offering. If notstudying, a man can not know the precepts of virtue.
Aman can hardly recognize the inadequacy of his knowledge until he begins tostudy, teach, and when he learns that there are still many unsolved problems.
Asregards education, the more difficult is to find severe masters. It is onlywhen teachers are stricter than the disciples of reverence for the Tao, andonly when the Tao is revered that people respect the study.
Justas the sky remains active and vigorous, a good man strives relentlessly toimprove.
Toimprove in the practice of good, we must strive to be fair.
Donot lose any opportunity to do good, or encourage evil.
Itis impossible to never make mistakes. Whoever is able to correct its mistakes,one will be the most deserving.
Relationsbetween men
Occupyinghigh office should not be infatuated with himself; who is humble is not to besaddened.
Agood man does not flatter those above him, nor despise those below him.
Thekey in the words of a man is sincere, it is the center of Conduct.
Frequentlyviolated rites certainly create harm to himself.
Wisdomand warfare
Sufficiencyis the origin of the loss, modesty is beneficial for all.
Itis the fact that it is united, and not the number of his soldiers, which thearmed force and ensures victory over the enemy.
Withoutskin where hair would grow?
Thethoughtlessness leads to a lack of strategy, insolence leads to neglect.Whoever exposes himself to danger recklessly and without any strategy does notit doomed to failure?
Theart of governing
Itis through the eyes and ears of the people that Heaven hears and sees; anddelivers its reprimands by the terrible voice of the people.
Thepeople are the base of a country. When the base is stable, the country is atpeace.
Onlymen whose morality and competence are excellent should be appointed to officialpositions.
Aruler listens to the opinion of the people omen of prosperity of a country; helistens only became omen of its decline.
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