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- Chinese pharmacopoeia goldthread pills for your natural health
Chinese pharmacopoeia goldthread pills for your natural health
Chinese natural medicine – Goldthread pills to eliminate toxicity
Huang Lian Jie Du Wan
Goldthread pills to eliminate toxicity
Traditional therapeutic uses
Main indications : acute infectious disease, otitis, urinary infection , respiratory infection, dysentery , boils andabscesses.
Chinese energy , this formula is usedagainst the toxic Heat obstructing the three fireplaces .
Associated symptoms: high fever, dry mouthand throat, dark urine , agitation and irritability, red tongue with yellowcoating , pulse wide , fast and strong
As this formula is in different forms and atvarious concentrations , it is important to follow the manufacturer’srecommendations. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Can be used long term.
This is the standard formula for the fightagainst all infections regardless of the infectious agent, it is located (otitis , abscesses, etc. . ) Or generalized ( spreads toxins throughout thebody ) . This form must be used in the acute phases of the disease: high fever, dark urine. Many plants have antibiotic action. Goldthread , the mainingredient , demonstrated an action in vitro and in vivo against Streptococcuspneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis , Staphylocccus aureus , Shigelladysenteriae , Shigella sonnei , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Salmonella paratyphi ,Mycobacterium , the influenza virus , Haemophilus pertussis , the Leptospiras .Goldthread also has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. Plants formulamicrobes attack on several fronts and do not cause resistance to treatment asdo antibiotics.
This formula is mentioned in the Tai Wai BiYao, Essentials of the imperial library , written by Wang Tao in 752 AD item.
A study on rats contaminated with endotoxinshowed that Goldthread pills to eliminate toxicity ( the same formula as adecoction rather than pills ) reduce fever.
According to three studies conducted on mice, Goldthread pills to eliminate toxicity has antioxidant activity in the brain,anti-inflammatory action on some neurones and protective action in the event ofloss of memory and learning ability after a cerebrovascular accident .
This formula can injure the Yin, it shouldtherefore not be taken over a long period . It is very bitter and refreshingand contains no toning plants. It is suitable for people of strong constitution.
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