Chinese porous capsicum plaster for natural health

Porous capsicum plaster

Chinese natural medicine-Porous capsicum plaster

Porouscapsicum plaster-Porous plaster pepper

Traditional therapeuticuses

Main indications :relieve pain associated with overwork, back pain , arthritis and anymusculoskeletal problem.

Chinese healthphilosophy:this patch is used to improve the flow of energy and blood to allowthe muscles to relax and relieve pain.

Associated symptomsimproved heat musculoskeletal pain or a hot water bath


Clean and dry theaffected area before applying the patch .

Cut a piece of thedesired size and apply on the affected part .

Apply for a maximum of24 hours.

Do a Review on a smallarea for 1-2 hours because the plaster is very warming , it can irritate theskin.

Do not take a bath orshower , keeping plasters, this increases the risk of skin irritation .


To relieve pain , theseplasters have the same actions and the same ingredients as oils and ointments.Plasters have the advantage of spreading the active ingredients slowly underthe action of heat from the skin. Their therapeutic effect is more potent thanthat of oils and ointments .

In my clinicalexperience, all patches of trade is the most effective way to relieve pain. Itis very rubefacient . However, the sensation of heat must be nice , otherwiseit must be removed . Make the skin breathe as long as possible to avoidirritating between two applications. If itching, irritation or heat rash appear, remove the patch and wait for the healing of the skin before applying another. Be careful in using this patch and you will be very satisfied.


Contraindications forchildren , sensitive skin , people with eczema, psoriasis and other skindiseases .Contraindications if the painful area is red and hot .

There is a danger ofskin reactions if an external source of heat is added as a heating pad orbandaged .

You can click here to know some porous capsicumplaster products.


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