Chinese recipes lotus root

Chinese recipes lotus root

Chinese recipes lotus root

The lotus root is said is important in Asian culture because it represents (as Gautama Buddha) man striving to do good.

The beautiful and delicate lotus flower back without dirtying the muddy ground of a lake would be associated with the goodness of man …

Otherwise, lotus root is also an excellent crunchy and sweet vegetable with starch as potatoes that can be cooked in salads or added to certain preparations wok or stews. Yet it is known little, we rarely see in Asian restaurants and it is not easy to find fresh (usually we see already cut frozen). The fun is irresistible slat shape

Here it is in its original form and cleaned fresh:

T How do you prepare this vegetable? Well preparation is to peel and cut the roots into strips, then blanched a few seconds or a minute. See below the cut root that reveals her pretty dimpled drawing …

The texture is smooth, firm and looks a bit like the raw potato but denser and tougher (somewhat like a radish-potato!) Plus it will form “son” when cutting! . The skin can be removed with a peeler. Cut into strips of 1/2 cm more or less depending on the job you will do. Lotus root has the advantage of remaining crisp under the same tooth after prolonged cooking in a sauce dish.

Lotus root has medicinal virtues refresh heat that can be used to cure all kinds of hot-like symptoms; lotus root is juicy and sweet taste, it is particularly beneficial for patients suffering from diseases with natural hot thirst, external bleeding, hemoptysis or blood in the stool. It is also beneficial for the elderly, infants, pregnant women and people with weak constitution, in particular those with fever, hematemesis, hypertension, liver disease, disorder appetite , of iron deficiency anemia or malnutrition.

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