Chinese recipes sweet potato

Chinese smart health recipes sweet potato

Chinese smart health recipes sweet potato

The sweet potato(Ipomoea batatas) or simply a brown potato is perennial plant of the familyConvolvulaceae widespread in tropical and subtropical regions where it is grownfor its edible tubers.

The origin of thepotato is often located in China,because it is cultivated for a long time, probably before the sixteenthcentury. But although this plant is not known in the wild, it is more likely ofSouth American origin. It would be varied from two areas, a main center betweenthe Yucatan and the mouth of the Orinoco in Venezuela and a secondary between Peru and Ecuador. Archaeological studies in Peru indicatethat she was known, but perhaps not yet cultivated, around 8000 BCE.

Since Polynesia, ithas spread in Southeast Asia. She was known inChina in the fourteenthcentury AD, it had reached the Philippines.

After the conquestof the Americas,its diffusion was accelerated worldwide by the Spanish and the Portuguese.

According to astudy, Chinese smart health recipes sweet potato,it is the sweet potato leaves, which contain most of phenolic compounds,followed by the peel and the flesh, even more than most greens.

A polysaccharideextracted from sweet potatoes exert beneficial effects on the immune system ofthe animal, by increasing the proliferation of lymphocytes and phagocyticfunction.

With phenoliccompounds and anthocyanins it contains, sweet potato could have a positiveeffect on the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

The varieties ofsweet potato purple (cultivars developed in New Zealand and Japan), contain a lot ofanthocyanins that give them their colors.

Anthocyanins frompurple sweet potato have shown in vitro antioxidant activity than vitamin C2,red cabbage, the elderberry, purple corn and grape skin extracts. Theseanthocyanins play a beneficial role in cardiovascular health and liver.

Based on animaltests, extracts of anthocyanins in purple sweet potato would reduce theincidence of colorectal cancer and progression of atherosclerosis. Otherstudies [ref. necessary] in animals shows that these anthocyanins have aprotective effect on the liver by protecting the for example damage due to highdoses of paracetamol. Certain pigments of purple sweet potato can slow thedeterioration of cognitive function and even reverse the memory impairment inmice by decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.

According toseveral studies, both in animals and in humans with type diabetes, the extractof a particular type of white sweet potato peel as those contained in sweetpotato purple, could improve blood sugar control . It has been shown in vitrothat this effect is due to the stimulation of the immune response. Thesecompounds inhibit an enzyme affecting the elevation of blood glucose after thedigestion of carbohydrates. Some protein, arabinogalactan white sweet potato,participate in part to these antidiabetic virtues.

A study shows thata drink made from purple sweet potatoes improves liver function in subjectswith liver and reduces the risk of liver enzymes.

In vitro, tuberextracts of leaves and showed some effectiveness in preventing cell mutationsand cancer cell growth. A trypsin inhibitor protein contained in sweet potato,has shown in vitro a strong antioxidant effect. It could fall within theprevention of cancer, particularly leukemia.

An in vitro study demonstrates that leaf extracts allow a relaxation of bloodvessels, particularly the aorta, having a protective effect on the internalvessel wall.

The sweet potato isa component of the diet “Okinawa”,which would be a component of the particular longevity of the inhabitants ofthe Japanese island. The leaves of sweet potatoes, they could have a protectiveeffect against lung cancer.

Chinese smart health recipes sweet potato

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