clothing to prevent medical concerns


Health Cardionexion is a French company built around “shared human and professional values ​​and complementary skills". In short, to put it simply, this company is made up of experts in cardiology, technologies, digital systems architecture. Presentation.

Cardionexion: a medical device to prevent cardiovascular disease

This wearable is fully integrated into everyday clothing and allows real-time analysis of cardiovascular activity. This allows you to monitoring people prone to his problems, but above all to anticipate and prevent the risks of cardiovascular anomalies in an optimal way.

So a medical device made up of sensors smart health connected to an evaluation system preventing risks of cardiovascular problems in real time. Data is collected 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by Cardionexion, which allows a practitioner to be alerted immediately after an anomaly is detected.

Cardionexion, a unique technology integrated into all clothing

These wearables fit directly into any garment, or even everyday underwear, whatever their natures or their uses.

The data collected by the @ -Health sensor concerning cardiac activity are directly decrypted and transmitted, via an iOS and Android application to CardioNexion secure servers.

In the event of a cardiac abnormality detected, an alert is sent directly to the wearer, his attending physician, and any other person that the wearer could have previously designated as a cardiologist or a loved one.

This feature also alerts you to the risk of a potential heart condition. So we just have to wait for these kinds of wearables to invade our daily lives.

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