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  • Collagen – anti-aging the anti-aging guide anti-wrinkles anti-aging aesthetic medicine

Collagen – anti-aging the anti-aging guide anti-wrinkles anti-aging aesthetic medicine


Collagen is a protein present in all structures of the body: skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues. It represents 30% to 35% of the body’s total proteins and ensures the cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of all these tissues.

The production of collagen naturally slows down with age, from the age of 25 the level of collagen decreases in the body, revealing the first signs of aging.

Collagen and the skin:

Collagen promotes the regeneration of skin tissues and slows down the aging process. It helps firm and hydrate the skin. The misdeeds of our daily life such as tobacco, alcohol, pollution attack our skin and add to the natural factors of aging. The skin then loses suppleness and elasticity, and wrinkles and fine lines appear. Collagen can help restore dermal tissues by providing the skin with essential proteins that build its original structure.

It is possible to take collagen in the form of creams, capsules or in the form of injections. The latter are nevertheless practiced less and less, collagen having been gradually replaced by hyaluronic acid for filling wrinkles. Of bovine origin (cow/beef), injectable collagen necessarily requires the implementation of a skin test before any injection. Screening for bovine protein allergy is essential. You have to wait a month sometimes 6 weeks for the results. Allergies to bovine collagen are more numerous in stressed and tired people.collagen creams They do not cause the disappearance of wrinkles because collagen is too large a molecule to be able to cross the barrier of the epidermis and reach the dermis. On the other hand, collagen cream is a very good moisturizer, which does not make the skin greasy.

In injection: Collagen is injected using a very fine needle on the path of the wrinkle in order to plump up the furrows or erase the break in the dermis. It is a so-called “resorbable” product. The hold is 3 to 9 months depending on the dose injected, the mobility of the area and the depth of the skin. Some collagens today announce a hold of more than 12 months. The results are immediate and often excellent provided that the injection technique is well mastered by the doctor. The session lasts 20 to 30 minutes. Two operations 2 or 3 weeks apart are recommended. This is the recommended minimum. The session varies from 150 to 300 € depending on the dose injected.

Top 3 the best anti-aging supplements

Restore NAD+ to Supercharge Your Cells and Rejuvenate Your Entire Body with ALIVE BY SCIENCE – Bioavailable NAD+ Boosters. ALIVE BY SCIENCE consults with a wide range of research and clinical doctors to grasp the newest research and combine it with input from tens of thousands of consumers on their forum and Facebook group as the industry leader and largest maker of NAD+ products.

Tru Niagen is nicotinamide riboside , a unique type of vitamin B3. Niagen is a NAD+ precursor that acts as a building block for the production of NAD+ in your body. This is significant because NAD+ is an essential coenzyme for cellular health; yet, NAD+ levels fall with aging and other physiological stressors including poor food, alcohol, lack of sleep, or too little or too much activity. Tru Niagen has been clinically demonstrated to aid in the increase of NAD+ in the body. Niagen is the first and only patented and FDA-approved nicotinamide riboside product.

GeroProtect maintains the stem cell balance for optimum cell health, and longevity. Stem cells help rejuvenate your body by transforming into tissue-specific cells. This anti aging formula uses piceatannol from passion fruit, trans-resveratrol and garcinol from kokum fruit.