Communicate to have a fulfilling relationship!

A remark, a reflection and here is the conflict.

Express your feelings simply "I don't appreciate the way you talk to me, I find you hurtful. It may not have been your intention, but I see it that way. »

Said like that, the dialogue takes another turn and it becomes easier to find common ground.

Knowing how to communicate is not innate. It is no coincidence that the market offers so many works dealing with communication.

A couple is the meeting of two people, each of whom brings his story, his mode of operation, according to his family habits, his education, his culture, to name a few.

For some, expressing their emotions, their feelings, has never been encouraged. It can be seen as a sign of weakness.

For others, on the contrary, it was not necessary to keep anything on the heart, to confide its sorrows, its worries was a mark of confidence. They heard "The family is made for that!" ".

A common mistake is the confusion between speech and communication

Judging, blaming, discussing, venting resentment, giving orders, or withdrawing into oneself is an indirect and unhealthy mode of communication.

Take responsibility for your emotions, express yourself clearly, name your feelings.

For the couple, communication is essential, without it, the relationship runs out of steam, tarnishes and emotional estrangement becomes the only answer.

Don't wait for your partner to guess your thoughts. You are no longer the child in omnipotence, you have grown up! Don't make your partner play the role of the parent who anticipated your every wish, understood your expectations and met your needs. You are responsible for your own needs.

Prefer direct communication

Share your thoughts to build bridges.

You may seek support and choose to confide in someone close to you. However, do it to prepare yourself to talk to your partner. Don't do this to avoid confrontation, which would escalate your dispute.

Take the time to choose your words

Fatigue, stress, anger promote anger. To avoid igniting the fire that is already taking too quickly, try replacing any affirmation that begins with "you" with "I".

Avoid "never" and "always".

Some examples :

You are never here! Prefer: I feel alone…

You are always late ! Say instead: I wish you were more punctual….

Thinking already allows you to reduce the aggressiveness of the words you might regret.


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