Live better : know everything about smart connected health

How can connected objects help us improve our health? What are the connected objects that can help us improve our health?, How to choose them?, How to use them? This smart connected health guide could give you the answers.

Today, connected objects are invading the health sector and revolutionizing the way of thinking about medical care. The applications and connected objects thus make it possible to facilitate the management of our lifestyle, our treatments but also to strengthen the patient-doctor relationship through better communication.

What if I connected my health?

Will the twenty-first century be the century of the Internet of Things? According to the media, by 2020, we will be completely surrounded by connected objects, that is to say objects capable of communicating information to another electronic object or to a server. Smartphones, tablets, connected screens, sensors, we even talk about connected cars … A new technological battle is taking place in all sectors, notably the health sector, which remains the most “visible” with the current growth of connected watches. So, will the twenty-first century be the century of connected health or e-health?

But about connected smart health, what is it?

It is health that uses connected objects to improve physical, mental and psychic well-being :

The set of so-called wearable objects (such as watches, bracelets, belts, etc.)Apps on smartphone (called m-health for “mobile health”).The objects used punctually that transmit information directly to an application or to a server (blood glucose meter, blood pressure monitor …).

These three categories are often linked: connected watches are, for example, often linked to an application that must be downloaded to their smartphone. This makes it possible to form a closed circuit for the collection and processing of health data.

E-health is now a new support for the preservation of its health capital

Health-related applications and connected objects can be complementary tools for the care of patients. They can support and strengthen the patient / doctor relationship. MHealth devices, subject to their reliability, can help improve patient adherence to prevention, lifestyle and care protocols, and facilitate contact between physicians and patients.

For people with chronic diseases, e-health with its dedicated applications, its specific sites and its m-health devices should improve the medical monitoring of these diseases that disrupt everyday life.The provision of connected health for all tools is recent, whether it is a scale, an activity bracelet, a connected blood pressure monitor, a connected pill box or even a blood glucose meter. Due to lack of experience in their use due to their recent appearance and the lack of recommendations to use them well, connected objects are often used a few weeks and then abandoned in a closet. Which is a shame because well used, they are very useful to preserve our physical, mental and psychic health.


Already available or still in testing, many objects connected to improve the shape, health or disease control are available for purchase. Sometimes you can try them in stores, otherwise you can always watch video tutorials to get an idea of ​​their use, their reliability.

By surfing on sites specialized in health connected objects, you can consult tests of tests, compare their performances and read the opinions of the users notably on their uses and the expected benefits.

Most health-related objects are associated with mobile applications that analyze measured data. They also provide additional information, useful tips, and links to user communities.

The choice of a health object is personal. It depends on your desire to be fit, healthier when you suffer from one or more diseases and your ability to appropriate its use in everyday life. Your choice also depends on your taste, your budget and your curiosity to try something you are not familiar with.

1. Example of connected health object: the watch

An aesthetic and functional choice to read the time and monitor his health, the watch measures the number of steps per day, distance traveled, calories burned, heart rate, quality of sleep.To try a health object or a medical object, is to appropriate it, it is to learn to use it to better know how your body works.

2. Which connected smart object for which indication?A smart health guide?

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