connected physiotherapy Review for health home massages


Every day we hear that exercise is very important to maintain good health. However, it is not always easy to find time for the sport, let alone to recover from a tiring session. This is where Bluetens, a connected health home-health physicist, comes in.

After a workout, difficult to relax. With tense muscles and fatigue, you only dream of a good massage. Unfortunately, a physiotherapist or loving spouse is not always at hand. Bluetens brings its solution: a device that can strengthen your body as well as help you relax. For what result? The answer in Review.

Mark : BluetensCategory: Connected healthRelease date : AvailablePrice: From 142.50 eurosLog in : BluetoothCompatibility : Android and iOSTested on: iPhone 5S

official Bluetens masseur

Bluetens Unboxing

Bluetens Unboxing
Bluetens Unboxing
Bluetens Unboxing
Bluetens Unboxing

Tidying up

The first thing that really hits you when you open the package is the size of the Bluetens. It is tiny and weighs only 25g. We could almost forget it. The packaging is neat with two compartments that stand up with a small tab. The first compartment contains the two cables packaged in the form of cartons with two small logos on it. The second contains the electrodes and the storage pouch. Everything is very tidy and does not give the impression of a simple organized bazaar.

The manual is succinct enough, but very clear. He explains the different steps to follow to use the Bluetens at best. Good point, there is several sets of electrodes. Convenient to use the device to several (indeed, each game must remain personal).

Bluetens Or how to always stick the electrodes on the right side!
Bluetens Electrodes in 3x4 game

The object

Let's go to the electrodes, presented in the game of 4 × 3. They are put on a small film that explains which side to paste them in a humorous way. This allows you to remember and not to stick them in the wrong place. Each electrode is hit with a small smiley smiley. Pretty cool.

The Bluetens connected to the cables that will land on the electrodes "width =" 618 "height =" 464 "srcset =" 1000w, 186w, -800x600.jpg 800w "sizes =" (max-width: 618px) 100vw, 618px

As said before, the Bluetens is really small and very light, a real surprise. It has a white wheel that surrounds a big blue button. The latter simply serves to turn on the device when the wheel is used to manage the power. Once laid, the electrodes with the cable are quite cumbersomebut you just have to be careful not to get tangled with the brushes. One element attracts particular attention, not necessarily well: the sticky ability of the gel. It is very effective so that the electrodes remain attached to the skin, but they also tendency to hang on everywhere. Whether it's clothing, furniture or even between them, they become more annoying than anything else. So you have to be very careful when you handle them.

Bluetens mobile application

Bluetens mobile application
Unboxing test Yes Duo Plus presentation
Bluetens mobile application
Bluetens mobile application

Connection: To operate the device, you must first connect the cable to the electrodes, activate Bluetooth, choose the program, place the electrodes in the right place and finally turn on the Bluetens to connect.

Program level, we have a wide choice since the application offers 15 body parts (shoulders, back, belly, buttocks, thighs …) and 3 modes (relaxation, care, physio) each having three or four types of programs. The choice is very wide.

Bluetens 1st screen application: choice of body part and mode
Bluetens application 2nd screen: choice of program
Bluetens 3rd screen app: program description

Small nice novelty arrived with the latest version, we can put our programs in favorites and add them to calendars. And if you still use the same program on the same part of the body, you can download it inside the Bluetens. You will no longer need to use the application. When you turn on the device, the downloaded program will launch by default. Of course, the Bluetooth connection consumes the phone's battery, but you can still put the phone on standby and even use it with other applications. Indeed, that of Bluetens indeed works in the background.

Using / Getting started with Bluetens

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The Bluetens is very easy to use. It is immediately recognized by the application and connects without worry. Moreover, by dint of being used, it is a small routine which settles down. Only the location of the electrodes may vary depending on the program chosen.

On the application, we can manage the power of the program according to our desire or our pain. The default level seems light, so you can adjust the device as you see it depending on the pain. The Bluetens reproduces the same principle as the sessions proposed by professionals. We feel the investment of physiotherapists in the creation of programs.

The sensations offered are very pleasant and varied. Far from causing pain as one might have feared with the electrodes (unless pushing the power to the maximum), it is a real massage that is offered. Only problem : some programs are very long and sometimes reach more than 30 minutes. A long time if you want to do something else at the same time, especially because of the many cables very bulky.

The electrodes of Bluetens running "width =" 470 "height =" 541 "srcset =" 608w , 869w "sizes =" (max-width: 470px) 100vw, 470px

In some cases, it is need to ask for help to place the device. Knowing that the Bluetens is used to calm the pain, it is difficult to reach in some cases. The back is particularly difficult to access, so it is better to have a charitable soul with either to enjoy a good installation.

Once the session is over, simply put everything in the pocket and keep it warm until the next session. Of course, we must not forget to recharge the Bluetens from time to time. The application will allow you to indicate, via a small logo, which level of load is the device. It can be recharged via a USB cable on a computer.

Of little accessories

It is possible to buy accessories to optimize your use of Bluetens. First of all, a carrying case which allows to store the device with all its other accessories: wires, electrodes, etc. Very practical, although a little expensive. 19,90 € for a medium size pouch, it's expensive paid.

bluetens transport pouch "width =" 725 "height =" 408 "srcset =" 725w, https: // www. 768w, 900w, https: // 200w, 480w, 1100w "sizes =" (max-width: 725px) 100vw, 725px

Then, a small belt clip for those who would like to be able to move easily during their sessions. It can also serve as protective shell if you came to make it fall. Again, a nice idea but to 9,90 € the tip of plasticwe start to wonder.

bluetens belt clip "width =" 725 "height =" 408 "srcset =" 725w, https: // www. 768w, 900w, https: // 200w, 480w, 1100w "sizes =" (max-width: 725px) 100vw, 725px

Finally, the only real proposal that Bluetens makes consists of a batch of eight new electrodes. They are twice the size of the previous model, allowing you to process larger areas or do two parts at a time. A very good idea, and at a more reasonable price: € 14.90.


Bluetens continues its development. The startup announced in April 2019 the marketing of Bluetens Duo Sport. As this name indicates, the device is intended for athletes. It controls two muscle groups by connecting two boxes together. The goal is to facilitate recovery after intense effort. It can also strengthen the thighs, abdominals and arms.

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However, more and more consumers are using it to relieve pain such as sciatica, back pain, but also dysmenorrhea. Since the beginning of 2018, women can relieve lower abdominal pain related to the rules using the device. Just follow a thirty-minute program for 4 to 6 hours of respite.


We appreciate the small size of the device and the well-being that sessions provide. The machine proposes a very wide variety of programs for each part of the body, all very effective. However, we will keep a slight reservation concerning the gel with a tendency to stick everywhereas well as electrodes a little too bulky. In a few words, we are faced with a very good product that is easy to use and worth every penny.

Good points

  • Massages very pleasant

  • Various and complete programs

  • Simple and accessible use

Negative points

  • A little bulky

  • A gel with a tendency to stick everywhere

Design – 7
Application – 9
Features – 8
Use / Getting Started – 8
Value for money – 7



Design : The Bluetens is small and very light. It is well built, but sometimes a little too bulky. We also regret the gel that sticks to clothes and furniture.

features : Many very complete programs are offered for each part of the body. All are very effective and offer pleasant sensations.

Use / Getting Started : The application is very clear and can even be abandoned if you always use the same program. The grip is instinctive and anyone can use it.

Value for money : The price is a bit high, but we must not forget that we are talking about a medical device. Given the performance of the Bluetens, it is worth every penny invested.
