Cyborg ? Opt for bioelectronic lenses from Google


Bioelectronic lenses. Eyesight problems will soon be shelved thanks to the giant Google. No more contact lenses to constantly renew, glasses that fog up in the rain … A device injected directly inside the eye seems to be the salvation of all moles on earth!

Google has decided in recent years to become one of the main players in innovation. So, after his smart contact lenses, his autonomous car … They are now attacking medicine, but with a very cinematic solution: replace the lens of the eye with bioelectronic lenses. Focus on the upcoming arrival of a technology worthy of Terminator.

Bioelectronic lenses worthy of a science fiction film

To understand how Google can see clearly, you first need to understand how the human eye itself works: the natural lens of the eye is surrounded by the lens, a sort of natural transparent barrier. So the idea of Google lab is to replace the natural lens of the eye with bioelectronic lenses.

The process may seem a bit barbaric and remind us of a version 2.0 of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but it will have the merit of giving its wearer a new eye, a cyborg eye…

In this way, the very structure will be changed. In fact, bioelectronic lenses are made liquid so that they can be inserted into the lens. They then solidify to stay in place. From these bioelectronic lenses, it is possible to control the lens and give “orders” to improve the vision of the wearer thanks to an external interface.

Nanotechnology at the service of vision

This is a great first in the field of health, because if we had already had the echoes of smart contact lenses developed by the research laboratories of big brands such as Samsung, Google, … This is the first time that it is proposed to replace the lens of the eye.

And these are not bioelectronic lenses like the others: they consist, in fact, of a hard disk, sensors, a battery, the electronic lens itself and an antenna to collect energy necessary for its operation.

The advantage of this kind of operation is the virtual absence of rejection of bioelectronic lenses due to the absence of blood vessels around the human's natural lens.

This technology seems to have an excellent future ahead of it. According to vision professionals, this kind of implant will become inevitable in 8-10 years, and gradually bring us into an era of cyborg. Finally, it would seem that the theories of the Transhumanists are not that crazy and could quickly concern us all.
