Daily routines: good or bad idea?

LRoutine is “the set of habits and prejudices considered to be obstacles to progress.” according to the dictionary Robert.

Obstacle to progress? Truly ? It all depends on the kind of routine we have in our daily life and what is the intention that drives us to achieve them. These can be effective and productive or become quite the opposite and then impact our personal development, or even harm our goals.

daily routines

Today's world constantly asks us to be at the top at all levels. Professionally personally, physically and socially. It goes without saying that it is heavy to bear and difficult to manage.

mental load is a subject that is being discussed more and more, but I find that the place it occupies in everyday life (especially women) is still too important and mostly minimized.

To successfully hold on and be effective on all fronts, many people have adopted the establishment of daily routines. Well-being, productivity, physical exercise, household choresmeal preparation…

The routine does not have standards and codes, but it must meet only one requirement to be truly beneficial: to be adapted!

Routines at the service of balance

They allow us to structure our days and therefore, to ask ourselves fewer questions, to let go of these anxiety-provoking questions: “when?”, “how?”, “why?” which inflict on us a feeling of often useless stress. But it is not always easy to maintain a constant in all these efforts.

This is where the power of intention comes in.

When we really decided somethingI mean, when it's our heart that decides it (for the right reasons and not for fad or to impress Instagram) we have the determination and motivation to act and persevere. There may be relaxations but never abandonment.

Starting even a small routine 10 minutes, for example in the morning, on waking. 10 minutes of yoga or writing to give yourself courage and clear your mind, read a few pages of an inspiring book, get some fresh air... There's no point in setting up a complicated or too long routine or not doable over time, but just to make it a starting point, a benchmark, a reflex.

A good effective routine is one that does good and relieves and that fits into our way of life without giving us more anxiety.

After just a few days we will already notice the benefits it gives us and above all the pride of having listened and trust.

The same is true during our working days. If we started well with 10 minutes of yoga why not continue during our professional day? Thus, by establishing your priorities and doing them in the established order, you will stay more easily concentrated until the end of these priority tasks.

This ritual will allow us to gain in efficiency and to keep this positive feeling that we must not give up. Make To Do lists yes, make it longer and with a level that becomes anxiety-provoking: no.

And that's often where things go wrong. Putting routines in place at home or at work is important for mental balance BUT if it is not adapted, it is doomed to failure and it creates a feeling of guilt.

take time for yourself

As morning routinesevening routines are just as important to stay on course and keep our living space pleasant and welcoming.

Especially if you have children. They need to grow and flourish with habits firmly rooted in daily life. In addition to providing us with personal well-being, the whole family benefits.

VSow do you set up a routine?

The basis of everything is to identify the needs. The real needs.

Do you have trouble managing surveys? Do household/administrative tasks seem unorganized to you? Are you overwhelmed with work, problems, appointments? Do you want to find a way to free up your time? In fact a routine helps when it responds to a problem and/or when it secures.

For example, for fight my anxiety on a daily basis and avoid crises that are too violent and/or too frequent I had no choice but to put things straight and see how I could put in place a sort of “feel good” ritual who would accompany me on a daily basis and who would act a bit like a bulwark in the storm.

I then decided that every morning (since I have the possibility) I will not start painting or working as long as I wouldn't have been walking (or I wouldn't have done a bit of sport at home) during at least 30 minutesI have also included the fact of write 2 or even 3 pages in my diary and finally, during the day, I force myself to read a few pages of a book that makes me feel good. I nevertheless keep a certain flexibility for the days “off” or the days “without”. The routine (paradoxically) must be able to adapt according to what we are experiencing.

Since I put this "routine" in place, there are periods when I find it more difficult to comply with it and others not, but that's the way it is. The choices I made I made them for me, not to follow a fashion or to clear my conscience. What I put in place is because my body, my mind, my life in general needed it greatly and if I hadn't done this “framing” I wouldn't be getting the current benefits.

The daily routines are good if they pull us up and relieve us, but they are harmful if they are not adapted to our lifestyles and/or put additional pressure on our already busy daily lives.

To afford a "frame", a "benchmark" that we know is good for us, that corresponds to us is something which I invite you to try if you feel the need. You might be surprised with the result and the benefits ^^

Have you already adopted one (or more) routine(s)?

Tell me !

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