Deeplink Medical raises 5 million euros


The fundraising was conducted with 70 radiologists and founders of the company "for 3 million euros," said Deeplink Medical. The public investment bank (Bpifrance) and the BNP also participated.

This fundraising will "accelerate the deployment of Itis and Mirio", "maintain the technological advantages of these platforms" and "strengthen the teams of society".

"Our ambition is to become the leading player in digital platforms dedicated to healthcare professionals," said Charles Journé, president and co-founder of the company, and Hugues Lajoie, associate general manager, quoted in the statement.

Itis "frames the request for radiological examinations between health professionals as part of a remote interpretation (teleradiology) within a regional hospital group (GHT) or interservices within the same health facility". It "ensures a real-time follow-up of the requests by all the actors by prioritizing these requests according to their degree of urgency".

The platform is "deployed in more than 70 hospitals and used by nearly 9,000 active medical users," said Deeplink Medical.

Mirio is a platform for monitoring patients with cancer and decision support, coupled with a patient recruitment platform for clinical trials. It is used by "two cancer centers, including the center Léon-Bérard in Lyon, initial partner of the project," the company added.
