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  • Definition | Dyslipidemia – hypercholesterolemia – hyperlipidemia

Definition | Dyslipidemia – hypercholesterolemia – hyperlipidemia

Dyslipidemia is an increase in the rate of lipids and lipoproteins in the blood. There are several types :

  • Pure hypercholesterolemia: cholesterol total ≥ 2 g / L and triglycerides ≤ 1.5 g / L

  • Pure hypertriglyceridemia: cholesterol total ≤ 2 g and triglycerides ≥ 1.5 g / L

  • Mixed hyperlipidemia: total cholesterol ≥ 2 g / L and triglycerides ≥ 1.5 g / L

  • Low HDL cholesterol level: total cholesterol ≤ 2.40 g / L and triglycerides ≤ 2 g / L with HDL-cholesterol ≤ 0.6 g / L

It is estimated that one in two people suffer from dyslipidemia in France, 57% of which is pure hypercholesterolemia (anomaly most often encountered).

Dyslipidemia does not cause symptom in itself but it increases the risk factor diseases andaccidents cardiovascular (coronary artery disease, stroke, arteriopathy). In familial forms of dyslipidemia, elevated LDL cholesterol can lead to the formation of an early corneal arch (before age 45), as well as tendon xanthomas and skin.

Causes of dyslipidemia

Dyslipidemia can be primary (cause genetic) or secondary (caused by lifestyle or other illnesses).

Primary dyslipidemia is caused by one or more genetic mutations that cause overproduction or insufficient elimination of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Most dyslipidemias, however, are secondary in nature, linked to a diet too rich in saturated fats and Fatty acids trans and the sedentary lifestyle.

Other factors can cause secondary dyslipidemia:

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • alcohol abuse

  • smoking

  • obesity

  • consumption of steroids anabolic

  • hypothyroidism

  • liver disease

  • certain medications (beta blockers, retinoids, antiretrovirals, cyclosporine, estrogen and progestins, glucocorticoids …)

Detection and treatment of dyslipidemia

The diagnostic dyslipidemia is based on a blood Review fasting including dosage total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

The treatment of dyslipidemia is based on both medication and lifestyle modifications: decrease in intake of saturated fat, increase infiber intake, diet rich in phytosterols, weight loss, resumption of activity physical.

The medication, which is not systematic, is decided according to the overall risk factor (gender, age, family history, total cholesterol and HDL …). The statins, which lower LDL cholesterol, are the treatment of choice for high cholesterol and mixed hyperlipidemia. Despite the controversies, they bring a real benefit to people at risk.

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