Definition | Fever – Pyrexia

Fever is an elevation of the internal body temperature. We talk about fever above 38 ° C, in the absence of effort physical and in a normally covered person. It is frequently accompanied by other symptoms : very tired, chills, lack of appetite, sweating abundant.

Role and causes of fever

Fever is a defense mechanism of the body against infections (bacterial, viral or parasitic). In the presence of a microbe, the immune cells release cytokines who report to thehypothalamus to produce prostaglandin, which excites thermoregulation. It has long been thought that heat was used to kill infectious agents, but this has never been proven. Some studies suggest that a fever helps immune cells travel to the site of infection.

Aside from infections, fever can be triggered by a inflammation, heat stroke, thrombosis venous, rheumatic disease, hyperthyroidism, a reaction to a vaccine or taking certain medications.

When to worry and how to react?

There is no correlation between the severity of the fever and the gravity of an infection. As long as it does not exceed 40 ° C and does not last more than three days, the fever is not of concern and does not require any special treatment. Beyond that, it is a warning signal which should lead to consultation. Old people, young children, pregnant women or patients with chronic diseases are at higher risk. An association with other symptoms (Cardiac arrythmia, vomiting, difficulty breathing, altered consciousness, convulsions…) is potentially a sign of seriousness.

Medication antipyretics, including the paracetamol, help bring down the fever. People with fever should be careful not to cover themselves too much, to drink enough and to rest. In infants, a warm bath is sometimes indicated.

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