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  • DermalAbyss, tattoo smart health connected to the service of your health

DermalAbyss, tattoo smart health connected to the service of your health


The DermalAbnyss project, led by Katia Vega at the MIT research laboratory, proposes a new approach to tattooing: with the ability to change colors according to biological factors, it becomes an interactive interface.

The principle is replace traditional inks with biosensors whose color changes according to the variations of interstitial fluids (located between the capillaries and the cells).

For the moment, 4 biosensors have been developed: two pH sensors, a sodium sensor and … a glucose sensor! The DermalAbyss reflecting this metabollic data continuously, this could be particularly useful in terms of medical follow-up.

Diabetics must actually take a measurement of their blood sugar level between three and ten times a day, and even though Apple and Google are working on non-intrusive glucose measurements, the most reliable method yet remains the traditional glucometer .

Tests are currently underway, and the first returns are conclusive.

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