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  • Design Partnership Cambridge creates a smart health connected nasal clip

Design Partnership Cambridge creates a smart health connected nasal clip

The Cambridge Design Partnership created the first smart health connected nasal clip. If that could make you smile, know that this wearable could save lives on the battlefield or during natural disasters.

design partnership cambridge nasal clip connects

The Cambridge Design Partnership therefore created this clip which measures the heart and respiratory rate. It tracks the vital signs of trauma victims in disaster areas and on the battlefield.

Attaching to the nose, it provides information via an integrated screen or using the dedicated application on smartphone or tablet. On a smartphone or tablet, it is possible to see a graph showing how the heart rate and the respiratory rate change over time. This keeps track of the patient's health. Information is sent via a Bluetooth LE link in real time.

The CDP first worked with army doctors to find out their needs and the problems they faced during emergency situations involving multiple victims. They discovered that there are devices that control both heart rate and respiration; but these are bulky and expensive.

Obviously, even if the primary use of this smart health smart health connected object is medical surveillance on a battlefield, other applications are possible. These sensors can also be used in civil. In fact, many trackers available on the market monitoring the heart rate but few monitoring the rate of breathing. Excluding this information could make the difference if you want to know how the body reacts to certain training sessions and to detect weaknesses.

So even if few Sunday athletes will be interested in this product, I am almost certain that high level athletes will be interested!